My abrupt vanishing act yesterday was caused by my internet’s refusal to do as I asked. And then when I got home a while I was just much too exhausted to go through the trouble of logging on, I went right to sleep. Today (after some hassling) I got my computer/internet to work again, hopefully we can catch up on some lost discussion time. Wait—I hope you aren’t saying you’re waiting on me to finish my characters for you to finish your Jehanna Heir and Hiactance Princess—I was waiting on you to finish each of those before starting their respective counterpart. If this is the case we might want to discuss their relations a bit more. And finally, I think it would be a good idea to make a couple of extra’s for the Mercenary group. If you make one and I make one we can have up to four, a good solid number. (I also imagine there would be several ‘un-character’ units.) I’d actually started working on something detailing a fair amount on the countries, classes included. As for Pegasus Knights not being from Frelia… Well I could see them being from Renais or Carcino as well. If one was a deserter they could also now be allied with whichever country they want. I’ll add the classes soon.