[hider=Nightwalker]Name: Unknown (as in we don't know his real name I've had people call my character unknown when I put it down like that) Nickname (If Any): Nightwalker Weapon or Mister: Mister Weapon Looks (If You're a Weapon): Partner (Edit Once You Have One): Birthday: They don't know, he don't know, I don't know Looks: has red eyes, dirty blond hair is about 6.1 feet tall has light tan skin and skinny. His age is 15 years old. Family: None known to him or anyone else unless you consider the death scythe family. Personality: he is silent and rarely speaks to strangers. He always seems shady but hes actually a nice guy. he obey most rules and regularity skips class. Tends to keep everything in including his history and only tells some things to his partner. he's more of a stealth character and has other weapons besides his partner (as in weapon not more than one partner.) Outfit: black suit and pants with white stripes going vertical and a fedora the same color Theme Song: Castle of Glass -Linken Park [youtube]RRGSHvlu9Ss[/youtube] Abilities: to be RPed History: not much is known about his history. His file only begins At the age of 7 when a death scythe took him under her wing and taught him till he was 15. He seems to be very fond of swords, knifes, and other bladed object's. Also knows a great deal of knowledge about chemicals, minerals, and ancient language. He's been at DWMA for 2 and a half years. Has collected 34 souls with his partner and fail the exams for the EAT class so he was moved to the NOT class even though he is just as skilled as them. He's constantly training and improving his soul residence and such. some believe he's trying to surpass death.[/hider] [Hider=Carlie]First Name: Carlie Middle Name (Optional): Last Name (Optional):Angela Nickname (Optiona): Age (Between 14-16): 14 Birthday (Day and Month): 6/4 Gender: female [Img=http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=872057&d=1388964435] Abilities: mainly the same abilities as Blair. She can turn it a cat, she can throw fireball, fly on her magic broom. Personality: shy, and very anti-social, she only talks to Nightwalker and his partner. Backstory (Optional): She was very anti-social, Nightwalker found her in a alley, hurt by a car, took her home and nurse her back to health though he was in a surprise when she turned into a human Other:[/hider]