[center][b]Matthew: Central Apartments[/b][/center] 'Skydiving is fun,' Matthew thought as he whizzed towards the ground with no small amount of laughter. This was not something he would have a chance to do when he was still with his caravan and the first mission he was assigned to upon joining the Bunker Security had him do it? If all the mission involved this and he knew about it earlier, he'd probably join faster. It wasn't long before the altitude meter indicated that he was almost at the safe height limit for deploying his chute. He was almost reluctant to pull the chord that would deploy the canvas and kept going to feel the wind. Yet he pulled and his descend quickly slowed down as he directed his fall towards the apartments' roof. There wasn't much to see there, other than three figures who might be hostile positioned in a close proximity. It didn't look like they noticed him yet. 'Well, who am I to ignore an opportunity,' he thought as he steered towards the roof. When he reached a safe height, for him, to jump off, Matthew detached the parachute and dropped towards one of the figure, hopefully knocking them down with the combined momentum and added weight he has. Then Matthew could tore their throat and move against the other two before they could react with equal hostility. Before he could though, he noticed the gleaming of dogtags on their necks and realized his mistake. Rolling away, Matthew then stood up with a I'm-not-guilty smile. "Oops?"