Name: Dr. Heather Jekyll, and Ms. Evelyn Hyde Appearance: [url=]Heather Jekyll[/url] [url=]Evelyn Hyde[/url] Age: 25 Affiliation: On the Fence (Mostly good) Magic Capabilities: She is currently studying magic as Rumplestiltskin's apprentice. She would find that she excels best at making potions, and mind based magic. Weapons: They're not picky when it comes to weapons. Hyde can kill with her bare hands, and at the very least, Jekyll can use her heavy brass topped cane. Strengths: Jekyll is intelligent, has an eidetic memory, was an academic prodigy since a young age, socially intelligent, and charming. Hyde is the best defense she has, very powerful in terms of strength, has a keen sense of smell (enough to even be able to tell when someone is lying), and is invulnerable to magic. Weaknesses: Jekyll and Hyde together will fight and argue with each other if they disagree on something. Hyde alone can get carried away when in a fight or torturing somebody, and Jekyll can be too kind or smart for her own good. Jekyll is generally weaker and much more vulnerable to magic than Hyde, while Hyde shouldn't be left alone at a large party (she'll wreak havoc just for the fun of it). Jekyll will also feel guilty about the deeds Hyde did, and will try to make up for it. Relationships: Apprentice to Rumplestiltskin Was friends with John Utterson, Dr. Hastie Lanyon, and Mr. Poole Acquainted with the Cheshire Cat Brief Bio: Dr. Jekyll was a scientist who was interested in the human mind. The doctor theorized that within the mind, there was a constant battle of good and evil, and she believed that if she could find a way to separate evil from good, then people would be able to live a life without human-based evils such as murder. She researched for years, and soon concocted a chemical compound. She tested this compound on herself, since she didn't have any willing volunteers, and that created Ms. Hyde. Dr. Jekyll cooped herself up in her laboratory in order to find a way to get rid of Hyde, after Hyde had killed somebody. But none of the concoctions she came up with worked, and she constantly worried that Hyde would go after Jekyll's friends. Jekyll's friends, John Utterson, Dr. Hastie Lanyon, and Mr. Poole (the butler), are suspicious because Dr. Jekyll wrote a will that said that if anything happened to her, everything she owned goes to Ms. Hyde, a completely unlikeable and murderous stranger. Jekyll's friends believed that Hyde was blackmailing Jekyll.