[b]Name:[/b] Talia Wei'Liret (Usually goes by either 'Talia' or sometimes 'Twilight' as this sounds like a contraction of her full name) [b]Species:[/b] Ullanthon [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] Undisclosed (appears 20) [b]Appearance:[/b] Detail required here, so please be patient ^^! While Talia doesn't come from a race of shape-shifters, her kind are chameleonic. Thus the colour (and texture) of hair, skin, eyes, etc can vary significantly. But, when using the colours she was born with, her description is as follows: Largely human in appearance, with golden-brown skin. Golden eyes, black hair cut in a bob. Has minimal facial markings, these being black lips, black upper eyelids & a small mark at the outer corner of each eye, like an upturned hook. She has slightly pointed ears and a long, bare tail, that she normally keeps wrapped around her waist so that it seems to be a belt (and has a metallic decoration worn over the tip). She also has batlike wings, which (while she can keep them properly folded), she tends to drape around her shoulders, using her chameleonic ability to make them seem like a loose outer garment. As far as actual garments are concerned, she wears an outfit like the one worn by a pre-Vader Anakin in Episode 3- with one or two modifications. The modifications being that Talia's jacket, tunic,or whatever you want to call it has a hood attached to it since she doesn't wear an outer robe with a hood (for the reason given above), and also has openings for her wings to fit through. In addition to this, the ends of the sleeves on her outfit tend to be gathered into wrist-bands, rather than left loose to flap about. Also, Talia tends to vary the colour she wears fairly regularly, and has some sleeveless versions of this outfit. One other thing she sometimes wears is a set of gloves not unlike the glove Anakin wore over his robotic limb for most of Episode 3. Since her tail is often wrapped over her belt, she keeps her lightsaber inside her tunic. [b]Homeworld:[/b] Hirion [b]Personality:[/b] Serene, collected and possessed of a seemingly endless thirst for knowledge. Likes to hear both sides of every argument, will treat most people impartially. Tends to keep herself to herself. [b]Force-Sensitive:[/b] Yes [b]Calling:[/b] Jedi Consular to Hirion/ Star-Wing Information Hound [b]Equipment:[/b] Tail-decoration, containing a hidden blaster, Jedi garb (think the outfit a pre-Darth Vader Anakin wore in episode 3, but midnight blue in colour), custom-made wrist-mounted computer (ideal and essential equipment for an Information Hound), 2 modified blaster scabbards at either hip (known to now and then actually contain blasters, but usually contain some credits, tools, spare lightsaber pieces and other useful items) and 2 lightsabers. Her lightsabers are joined together to form a dual-blade weapon after the fashion of Darth Maul's lightsaber, but can be 'unlocked' into two standard sabers. Each saber has a mainly-black hilt with some gold coloured components and projects a bright orange blade. Since she often keeps her tail wrapped around her waist, she carries her sabers inside her tunic. [b]Other Possessions:[/b] Extended family home on Hirion. [b]Skills and Abilities:[/b] Force-abilities remain largely unknown to all but certain of the Jedi Order she is close to, since she likes to keep herself to herself. Known Force-abilities include: Force empathy, Force-healing, Force-hold, levitation, with some mild capacity for Force-visions. A noteworthy feature common to Force-sensitives amongst her people is a natural talent for shrinking their Force-presence to miniscule levels, or alternatively to 'mask' their Force-presence, concealing their abilities and making them hard to detect. The drawback to this though, is that while their Force-prensence is shrunken or masked, they cannot use their powers to sense the Force-presence of others. Other abilities include excellent marksmanship, skilled combatant, excellent stamina and a high level of athletic/gymnastic skills. [b]History:[/b] Talia comes from a world far from the busy centre of the galaxy, and until recently, largely ignored. It could perhaps best be described as physically resembling something of a cross between Coruscant and Endor. Since it is so out of the way, Jedi presence is minimal there, and whilst Force-sensitive natives are not necessarily rare, neither are they common. Talia's people are long-lived, with the average life-span being between 1000-1200 years, and once they've entered young adulthood they age slowly. They are also a very naturally serene, calm people (unless you get between parents & children) and the majority are naturally ambidextrous. With Hirion only having been discovered (or rediscovered) in recent centuries, it is still only just beginning to open up to the wider galactic community, with some of its natural wealth and resources having the potential to draw the eyes of almost any kind of people. Talia was recognised at a young age as Force-sensitive and, after discussion with her family, took the unusual step of going to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to train, rather than remaining on Hirion to be trained by the similar- though very different- order of Force-sensitives known as the Star-Wings. Talia spent the next several years of her life training in and studying the ways of the Jedi, whilst constant communication and visitations from her extended family allowed her to continue the education expected of her by her homeworld. Although Talia found her time on Coruscant enjoyable, and her training allowed her to see much of the wider galaxy, by the time she became a fully-fledged Jedi Knight, she had grown quite homesick, and requested that the Council might allow her to return to Hirion. This suited the Council since, with Jedi presence being minimal on Hirion and those who properly understood the native culture being even rarer, Talia was the ideal candidate for the position of Jedi Consular to Hirion. During her time back on her native world, Talia went on to study the ways of the Star-Wings, which placed considerable emphasis on the cultivation and understanding of knowledge and healing, with much less emphasis on combat. Now holding the position of both fully-fledged Jedi Knight and Star-Wing, Talia has again begun to explore the wider galaxy as an Information Hound for the Star-Wings, hunting information as others hunt people. It is perhaps significant to note that Talia is accomplished enough as an Information Hound to make a comfortable living from this occupation if she chooses, and also to note that, in the time since her training on Coruscant, Talia has questioned and researched as much Jedi lore as she can lay her hands on. This has resulted in her regarding much of the Jedi Code as guidelines rather than rules and- since her people have a love for hearing both sides of every argument- she may be seeking Sith lore, to gain insight into and knowledge of the Dark Side.