[b]Region Number:[/b] 12 [b]Nation Name:[/b] Bohaddon [b]Nation Leader/Name of Nation's Parliament:[/b] Ducis Alta Rumaius [b]Nation Banner:[/b] A phoenix on a blood red background, signifying the old empires rebirth in the blood of its enemies; renati in sanguinem (reborn in blood) as the Bohaddion saying goes. [b]Race:[/b] Humans [b]Capital City:[/b] Aventius: The former crown jewel of the empire's heartland, the city is now a shell of it's former self. Ducis Alta commanded the destruction of the palace and any other opulent buildings in the city; they encouraged humans to luxuriate. Now, in their place stands simple stone and wood houses, with little more than a bed and table inside. On the outskirts of the city is the slave housing; little more than wattle and daub huts, filled with filth and disease. [b]Other Major Settlements:[/b] Minos: A large mining settlement established on the nations southern borders to extract precious minerals from the ground, Minos is where many slaves end up. There are several hundred slaves working in the dark pits in the ground, watched by their human overseers. Numquid: A major port city on Bohaddon's coast, this settlement is the site of most ship construction in the land. This is one of the few ports open to outsiders, but visitors are far and few between. [b]Gross Population:[/b] 160,000 Humans (Non-Slaves)-100,000 Slaves (Mixed races, including humans)-60,000 [b]Exports:[/b] Iron, Slaves [b]Brief Nation History:[/b] After the collapse of the old empire, Bohaddon fell into chaos and disarray almost overnight. The harmonious existence, that the vast array of races living in Bohaddon shared, was shattered, never to return. Those loyal to the crown and empire fought against separatists and rebels, in a desperate attempt to cling to their old world values. The land was torn apart by political strife and bitter rivalries, and what was once the heart of the empire became little more than a raging inferno of violence and destruction. While new nations rose and fell around them, those in Bohaddon continued fighting, unaware of the rapidly changing landscape. For 15 years Bohaddon's skies were filled with the scent of death and defeat, and to outside observers the land seemed doomed to destroy itself in an orgy of anger and grief. However, this was not to be the case. On the second week of summer, 15 years after the empire's collapse, the Great War of Bohaddon was ended. Those humans who had been loyal to the empire had the support of the old Octavian Legion that guarded the realm over a decade earlier. While once this force was used to bring peace and justice, the loyalist forces used it to crush any and all opposition. Race after race was subjugated and oppressed by the group, for their disloyalty in the war. Treacherous barons, the ill, the infirm, and any deemed unfit for work were slaughtered; there would be no room for weakness in this new empire that was being forged from the bones of the dead. Over the next 10 years, the humans tightened their control and brought any dissident groups into line. Those affected by war craved a new, strong, singular leader to restore the empire to its glory days. Production and farming began once again, with the new slave workforce toiling day and night in order to atone for their sins. A new leader also emerged, Alta Rumaius, a young woman who had been a former commander in the loyalist military. She demanded strict obedience and simple living; the old empire failed because the weak leaders had allowed others too much freedom and comfort. She promoted the purity of the strong and healthy humans, for all other races, and weak humans, were inferior; they were being given an honour by simply being allowed to work for the new empire. Now, with the land once again in a relatively stable state, the Ducis turns her eyes to the rest of the world; they too must be punished for their disloyalty. ----------------------------- Nation Status Card [b][i]Nation Name[/i][/b] Bohaddon [hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government:[/b]Ducis Alta [b]Settlements Owned:/b] 2 [b]Provinces Owned:[/b] 1 [b]Population:[/b] 160,000 [b]Standing Army:[/b] [indent] - / - /<8,000>/ - /<3,000>/ - /<500>//<100%> [/indent] [b]Standing Navy:[/b] [indent]-<1st Fleet>/<20 Light Ships>/<15 Medium Ships>/<5 Heavy Ships>//<100 %>[/indent] [b]Population Happiness: 65%[/b] [b]Imports:[/b] None [b]Exports:[/b] Slaves, Iron, Bronze [b]Wealth:[/b] Average [b]Alliances:[/b] None [b]Trade Pacts:[/b] None [b]Cease Fires:[/b] None [/hider]