[center][youtube]Tw2lyRDNB74[/youtube][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Red [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://www.jokersupdates.com/jarticles/attachments/2012-11/2077-ruby.jpg] [img=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JaXj0RBkd_g/T15i5YA4zpI/AAAAAAAAB6I/ya35juvedpA/s1600/ouat-1x15-05-e.jpg] [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Affiliation:[/b] Good [b]Magic Capabilities:[/b] Has the ability to turn into a wolf which she has been able to master controlling as of late. [b]Weapons:[/b] Red carries around a couple hidden daggers within her boots and belt. She also uses a bow and arrows (favorably) and has been known to wield dual blades. [b]Strengths:[/b] Tracking, hunting, survival, natural instincts, heightened senses. Whenever Red is in the forest, she will never perish as the forest is like home to her. Her keen sense of smell and sight also make it easier to track down either people or potential food. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Red often times reverts back to her past when she was unable to control the wolf inside of her and often times blames herself for things she couldn’t control. She is also very sensitive when it comes to her granny and will do whatever it takes to protect her. As a wolf, the only known thing to be able to hurt her is a silver dagger. [b]Relationships:[/b] Granny, who she has spent her entire life with and was raised by. Snow White, arguably her best friend. Anita, her mother who is since deceased. [b]Brief Bio:[/b] Red was a very little girl when she lost her father and two brothers to the Wolf and has since been raised by her own Granny. Many, many years later, Red and Snow were out to find the wolf to put an end to all the death during Wolfstime, however what they found nearly broke Red's heart. A set of footprints in the snow that led to Red's window led Snow and Red to believe that Red's boyfriend, Peter, was the wolf. Snow White, however, had other matters she had to attend to but Red decided that she needed to stay with Peter and help him; what if he didn't know he was a wolf? She let Snow go and found Peter, telling him of her findings on the wolf who had been terrorizing the village. Believing that he really was the wolf, he chained himself up to a tree so that when he transformed, he couldn’t hurt anyone. Red stayed with him the entire night, however it came to be that it was Red who was the wolf, and since Peter was chained up, he became a snack for Red as she was unable to control (or even remember) her wolf part. Red didn't even realize what had happened until her Granny came just as it was too late with Red's red cloak and draped it over the wolf, which instantly transformed Red back into her human self. Overly distraught by killing her love, Red fled into the forest, unable to bring herself to return home where she and Peter had shared so many memories. It wasn't until a few days later, still hiding out in the forest, where she heard of Snow White's death, and blames herself. If she would have gone with Snow, then The Evil Queen Regina wouldn't have killed her, and Peter wouldn't be dead. Red went to visit Snow's resting place once, however she stayed by her best friend's lifeless side for days. She didn't acknowledge the dwarfs who were there, only staring blankly at her best friend and feeling the guilt of the two deaths wash over her time and time again. She decided to leave Snow's resting place and let herself become victim to the forest; she wouldn't even put up a fight. However, in her wandering, Red came across her mother who she believed to be dead, however she was also a wolf and in hiding with a whole pack of werewolves. Red stayed with her new-found mother and taught Red how to control (and remember) being the wolf when she transformed. One day, a lost little boy happened upon their den and Red's mother wanted the boy immediately killed since he knew where their den was located. Red, however, couldn't allow this to happen and in a struggle to help save the boy, Red killed her own mother. Red returned the little boy to his village, but she kept on going...deeper and deeper into the forest to once again find a reason to live. Anything at all. Lest, she will let the forest consume her.