Name: Ryuuko Serana Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: [img=] Battle Armor: [img=] Personality: Ryuuko is still in a "rebel" phase due to her late teenage years, but she is very aware of herself and what chemicals she carries in her body and armor. Her temper is volatile and explosive, and she can lash out when she feels vulnerable or scared. It doesn't take much to back her into a corner, just having a certain shape of a man can cause her to react in fear and self-defense if he stands over her. She also struggles with misplaced self-loathing and general anger at society as a whole, blaming it and its paranoia for her experiences in Curdon Cay. Ryuuko still struggles to talk to and interact with people, which often leaves her incredibly frustrated. On the whole though, she stands on a very slippery slope: she can either struggle her way through her psychological problems to become a decent member of society, or let her mind become consumed with her anger and hate so she can take revenge on the very society that subjected her to the torture she suffered. Conduit Powers: Chemical/Carbon Manipulation What started out as a blanket of manipulation possibilities became very focused as Ryuuko grew older. Where she could once manipulate a plethora of raw elements to a certain degree, the woman can only manipulate Carbon and elements (at the atomic level) that aid including synthesizing and constructing a myriad of explosives. Her battle suit is made from a sophisticated and delicately created arrangement of carbon fibers, reinforced carbon-carbon, and a few other materials to give her added protections as well as impressive heat and static resistance as well as great filtration against heated gases. On her suit, there are a few nodes filled with chemicals she uses most often. Her body then replicates the chemicals and produces them so that certain hand movements creates a small explosive in her hand. This explosive can then be denoted with by her mentally inducing a rapid heat exchange between the chemicals. The resulting explosion is also manipulated by her when she mentally controls the chemicals. (I.e. A gasoline explosion can be manipulated by her spreading the gas molecules much farther than what would occur naturally. This could help deaden the explosion. Or to make it more intense, she can confine the molecules so they slam against each other more often. Since she does not use a fire as a source of ignition, but rather a massive amount of heat via atomic vibration, she can control when and how the explosive...well...explodes.) The gun seen in picture serves a few purposes. She can load an explosive, up to three, in the device as it works like a grenade launcher. If she is using something more stable (like C4) that would give her some trouble to detonate, she can change the gun's mode to detonation. She did not create the gun herself, but a friend did not too long after she was released. Background: Ryuuko spent most of her life living in a small town in Montana. The girl had been a gifted rider and could often be seen helping around her parents' ranch. Her home life was simple and quiet until she took a job as a junior lifeguard at the local lake. It was when she entered the water that it'd been found that the water was tainted with harmful chemicals, Ryuuko had absorbed them into her skin only for the chemical to pool in her hands. Needless to say, a fearful and paranoid man thought the "bio-terrorist" tainted the lake and called local authorities. They, in turn, called the DUP. Her parents tried to keep her with them and tried to plead their daughter's case, but in the end, her parents were arrested along with her. While they were sent to the county's jail, Ryuuko was sent to Curdun Cay. Curdun Cay Experience: Curdun Cay was a very rough time for Ryuuko. To protect the personnel on site from the girl, she spent her first two years in a small box of a cell made of extremely strong glass. She was fed meals consisting of hot rice cereal and water so as to minimize any potential mineral or element "contamination". Scientists began a reward/punishment system to force her to narrow down the elements she could manipulate. The rewards were hardly rewards to anyone else, but a luxury to her. If she managed to manipulate a carbon sheet, she was given fruit for her next meal. However, if she refused their "games" or tried to manipulate anything else, her punishment ran from shock therapy to the loss of her clothes, to water boarding. Her hair was once black, but shifted to the nee color due to stress and a particularly rough session of bleach-mixed water boarding. As time went by and the girl mentally regressed until she just did as she was told, the personnel began to weaponize her gift by exposing her to explosive compounds. She took to it quickly under the ever watchful eye of scientists. At thus point, reward consisted of new clothes, furniture, and foods while punishments became more severe. If she failed an objective, she would lose everything she earned and left in a darkened cell with a minimal amount of food and water. Her submission began to give way to teenage rebellion around her 16th birthday, and she was scheduled for execution following the death of her chief "punisher" by her hands. She was let go once the other Conduits were set free though, a quick committee judged that she was acting in self-defense and was afraid for her life. Now in New York, the young woman would like to get her GED and go to college...just try to live a normal life.