Alright, gonna have to address a lot that's wrong with this whole entire CS Aeron if you intend to actually stay. 1. Chemical/Carbon Manipulation. Being able to manipulate many elements? That's a no. One material per conduit, no debate there. If you want to manipulate carbon, that is unfortunately to broad of an element since carbon is pretty much i everything. Gonna have to narrow that down greatly. It's just to broad and ridiculous to allow. 2. battlesuit. No, just no. Not only is it just as ridiculous as the "carbon" manipulation, it's just kind of dumb. There is no reason whatsoever for her to need a suit. She was never put into combat or given the materials to ever make one, so she wouldn't have the suit before she was set free, and in freedom she wouldn't need a combat suit. This is just, for lack of a better term, stupid. This isn't OP, well it kind of is, but that's not the point. This isn't OP, this just does not fit into the setting whatsoever. As opposed to everyone else who just need small edits from what I've seen, this needs a 100% overhaul. If you don't want to do that, then consider yourself rejected outright. As for you arch, I stated in the first post, that this will be based on CS applications. I'll choose a max of five characters submitted to be accepted at a later date. So if you want to join, put a CS up and wait to be accepted.