"I...I don't know. Jack came out of nowhere and tossed... [i]glitter[/i] at us and now-now he's" As he spoke the chain of events came crashing down on his head and Fonsus had a moment of panic. "He's not the Rich I know, alright?? And River ran off after Jack - oh my god, [i]she went after Jack[/i]!" The terra kid pulled at his hair, his top hat tumbled off his head. "That guy could have anything up his sleeve!" Then he gasped and turned to Dante, his face white as snow. "He could have his [i]wand[/i] on him! I've seen it done by some other kids! He could [i]jinx[/i] her or worse hex her -" His eyes widened. "What if its a hex on Rich?? Dante, you've got to do something. I don't have my wand on me and I really don't feel like going back to school, dragging him with me like [i]that[/i] to the nurses! What would I say?? 'oh, yeah, just a regular case of "I love you, fonsus"'??"