The Paradise of Lies and the Surface of Secrets: [hider=Lori Vurner][center][img=] [b]Lori Vurner[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearence:[/b] She has dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes, since the picture I gave lacks true color. [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Job:[/b] Birthmother [b]Bio:[/b] Lori Vurner lived like the average citizen. She had decent parents and lived middle class. She always tried her best in school. She wanted to become a nurse, but her grades weren't good enough. With having been declared a birthmother instead, Lori's dreams of her future were crushed. [b]Martial art/weapons expertise:[/b] She has a pistol, but she doesn't carry it with her often.[/center][/hider]