[center][img=https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3550/3489105971_a3b73dd399.jpg][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Cheshire Cat (Birth name - Edric Liddell), Alias: Alexandre Frost. Referred to as the '[i]Dark of Heartness'[/i] in some circles. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Cat Form][img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/005/1/1/cheshire_cat_wallpapers_by_ametist_nyako-d36gsrm.jpg][/hider] [hider=Human Form][img=http://bestof.provocateuse.com/images/photos/david_tennant_99.jpg][/hider] (Note: The Cat is especially large for a regular household cat, being about the size of a bobcat by comparison) [hider=Key][img=http://www.edwardmirell.com/uploads/items/295_edward-mirell_black-titanium-necklace_n3103o-00000_l.jpg][/hider] [hider=Alice][img=http://st.kp.yandex.net/images/actor_iphone/iphone360_2051562.jpg][/hider] [hider=Alice's Diary][img=http://gryphonsmoon.com/cat/express-yourself/leather-journals/da-vinci-journal.t.jpg][/hider] [b]Wardrobe Style:[/b] While in his human form, the Cat's taste and style in clothing is both subdued yet elegant. His typical apparel consists of a frock coat of varying material/color with a matching waistcoat and cravat/bow tie and a dress shirt/frilled shirt underneath, with matching trousers and leather shoes. Before being cursed into cat form, Edric would occasionally wear a felt top hat during stage performances or other formal events. [b]Example Outfits:[/b] [hider=Example Outfit One][img=http://www.televisionzombies.com/wp-content/07280511077475/2010/02/Next-Doctor-Prop.jpg][/hider] [hider=Example Outfit Two][img=https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7254/8075137915_357f21eabe.jpg][/hider] [hider=Example Outfit Three][img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/88/78/85/887885c787b01a72937a6e48ea6d1a2d.jpg][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Affiliation:[/b] [url=http://easydamus.com/chaoticneutral.html]Chaotic Neutral[/url] [b]Magic Capabilities:[/b] Before being cursed into feline form, Edric displayed quite the keen ability in magic. An expert in illusions and mirages, he was capable of confounding most anyone by using their mind against them; conjuring a number of hallucinations or fantasies with little difficulty, while also being able to change his own appearance or form. He also dappled a bit in conjuration, able to make items appear out of nowhere; though as to whether this was an *actual* power or merely another illusion is still up in the air. As a cat, however, Edric lost most, if not all of his illusory powers; while gaining new ones. He had the ability to teleport at will, appearing from one place to the other in a split-second. He could also make himself invisible, whether wholly or limb by limb. With little need for gravity, the Cat is also able to float or levitate aimlessly throughout the air; usually to confound others. Lastly, the Cat seems to have an almost supernaturally heightened sense of instinct and perception, making it quite difficult to sneak up on, or surprise him. Now, with his former curse broken and his freedom returned, Edric has been granted full use of his magical powers, capable of using the powers he gained both as a human and as a cat, as well as an ability to shift between his human and feline form at will. [b]Weapons:[/b] None [b]Strengths:[/b] An articulate and eloquent showman, Edric was charismatic and sharp-witted, wielding a grammarian's vocabulary and a silver tongue as his aides; able to charm his way out of most any conflict. A dandy both in outward appearance and disposition, Edric tried to model himself after an aristocratic lifestyle; difficult due to his poor income and wealth-draining habits that plagued him through his human life. Despite this, however, he was quick-thinking and resourceful, his own low-class lifestyle giving him a healthy dose of common sense and street-smarts, allowing him to empathize with the common man. As the Cat, however, Edric became more enigmatic and mysterious, choosing to hide his true feelings and emotions from others. This caused him to come across as a wise, if not cynical creature who had a penchant for browbeating or taunting others with his own intelligence and wit. The Cat also developed a more patient, calculating lifestyle; oftentimes lying in wait for opportunities to present themselves, rather than to instigate them himself. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Though intelligent and responsible beyond his years, due to having to care for his younger sister; Edric oftentimes succumbed to debauchery and philandering, having a healthy inclination towards drinking, gambling, and short-lived sexual affairs with all sorts of women. Due in part to this, he was frequently reckless and foolhardy, thinking only in short-term as opposed to long-term consequences or outcomes. A coward and a cur, Edric would hide or flee from the problems that faced him; as opposed to challenging them head-on. This habit was so embedded, that he fled from his own sister's execution by the Queen of Hearts, a decision he has regretted and hated himself for ever since. As the Cat, his weaknesses now lie in his aloof and cold disposition; oftentimes turning potential allies away with his outward cruelty and superior nature. He also had a streak of arrogance and haughtiness about him, unafraid (for a time) to challenge even the likes of Rumpelstiltskin; overconfident in his ability to hide or escape from enemies. Emotionally unstable, the Cat would keep his true feelings locked away, absorbing the pain and torment instead of letting it out; making him seem paranoid or distant, with reminders of the past capable of driving him to an emotional breakdown. [b]Relationships:[/b] -A strong hatred of the Queen of Hearts, whom he considers his worst enemy -Has a begrudging relationship with Rumpelstiltskin, who he also dislikes intensely -Had a very deep, loving bond with his thought-deceased sister, Alice, who's memory haunts him deeply -Shares romantic feelings with Dr. Jekyll, his true love. However, his dark past and noncommittal traits make the relationship a rocky and volatile one -Was once a close friend of Snow White, secretly held deep feelings for her -Was, at one point, very close to the former portal-jumper Jefferson. Though too aloof and cold to outright consider Jefferson his friend, the two of them could come to rely on each other in most situations. -The Cat's [i]real[/i] worst enemy, whom he despises the most is himself. The Cat hates his own cowardice and underlying nature, but is otherwise forced by instinct to hide or even betray others to defend himself. This nature became more pronounced after the supposed death of his sister. [b]Brief Bio:[/b] An ambiguous and puzzling creature, the Cheshire Cat is one of the more mysterious residents of Wonderland. General consensus states that, years ago, he was the son of a poor Carpenter who became a talented magician and illusionist, running stage shows and performances in his heyday. The events that led to his transformation into the Cheshire Cat are equivocal, but it is said he wears the key around his neck as a sign of someone or something dear that was lost to him. [b]Music Gallery[/b] [hider=Cat's Theme][youtube]4YtcfcgDNug[/youtube][/hider]