[b]Name:[/b] Night [b]Appearance:[/b] (No idea for face claim, feel free to give me suggestions) [URL=http://s248.photobucket.com/user/the_help_you_doll/media/bloop%20bloop/thCA8FVJGW_zps474dc83a.jpg.html][IMG]http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg175/the_help_you_doll/bloop%20bloop/thCA8FVJGW_zps474dc83a.jpg[/IMG][/URL] An imposing height just short of seven feet tall. Wears a shadow formed gnarly black armour, though underneath is simple and comfortable clothing. [b]Age:[/b] Ageless, appears to be in his late twenties-early thirties [b]Affiliation:[/b] Lawful Neutral [b]Magic Capabilities:[/b] Naturally controls darkness, among elements of the night. Owns the stars of the night sky, as well as the rest of them. Capable of turning invisible, and can naturally become one with his night itself, or switch back into his personification humanoid self. [hider=Powers](A few, but not limited to) Bite of Darkness – biting a person can make them blind for as long as he likes Breath of Darkness – breathing a dense fog into an area, he strikes an instinctual fear of the darkness of the night into the hearts of the humans in the area, and increases it by two fold…works till the break of dawn Touch of the Night – a gentle caress of the eyelids, and a person is bestowed the ability to see into the darkness of the night for that night only[/hider] [hider=Passive – Aura of Death/Danger]Example of Effects: -small kids who see him passing through town may feel like they'd be kidnapped or eaten up by animal if they stayed in his presence, normal village women who see him feel like they're in danger of being raped and killed, men feel like they'd be robbed or murdered in cold blood...it's the feeling of a dangerous and uncertain night. -nocturnal animals would feel comfortable or even at home like within the safe parts of their territory, a vampire would feel perfectly safe around him, black or dark magic user would feel like they were in the presence of a great friend or mentor, some open-minded people would just see a lonely stranger riding along in the night, while fearless travellers would feel him just another traveller. Astronomers or stargazers or the like would see a person of enchanting and mysterious beauty, and even feel a sense of awe, as if watching a procession of a royal. Wanted robbers or murderers feel like they'd have a better chance of escaping if they stay with him...this last one, he takes advantage of, bringing some criminals to Day at the morning light.[/hider] [b]Weapons:[/b] carries a plain sword, nothing more when it comes to weapons, as he usually warps and augments it with his darkness. [b]Strengths:[/b] Immune to many an ill effect, poisons, venoms…even quite a few magical effects. Absolutely invulnerable during the night. Night is a master of horseback riding, like his other two horsemen friends, he is also skilled in jousting with a lance. A master swordsman, and skilled with a number of bladed weapons. Swift on his feet, he can move soundlessly, smoothly...sneaking or hiding, elementary. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] He become vulnerable to injury during the daylight hours, though he can’t be killed through normal means as he isn’t even originally human. [b]Relationships:[/b] Death (Godfather Death) – father, the being he was originally a shadow of, a heavily cloaked man who handles the candles of humanity's life span Baba Yaga – interesting old woman, mentor, the being who gave the horseman their powerful horses Day – friend and fellow horseman who brings the bright dawn, skilled archer and swordsman Sun – friend and fellow horseman who brings the noon sun, skilled archer and lancer Death's Godson (diseased) - (name which will not be mentioned at any given time) only human friend who, due to exposure to Death as his godson, did not see Night as anything more than another human being [b]Brief Bio:[/b] Originally the shadow of Death himself, just separating from him one day...surprisingly enough, Death kept him around as his (super)natural son. After the red rider hatched from a great fiery egg, and the white rider appeared soon after by ___, Sun and Day…he was given the name and role of Night. Sometimes, he just takes on a human form and chills in his darkness he creates till Day takes over for him at dawn, or practises jousting with Sun at dusk. Other times, he just is the darkness, the omnipresent Night. Being the Night, most humans see him as intimidating, even dangerous, a perfect personification of the darkness he represents and the (super)natural son of Death. He is very close companions with the other two riders, and has only befriended one human to date (his father's godson), though he has also made the acquaintance of Vasilisa during the girl's donor trial by Baba Yaga. Long ago, Night had worked with Baba Yaga as part of many humans’ trials, in order to earn one of her powerful horses. He has a strong sense of justice, and though he unintentionally hides criminals, sometimes he has Day drive them out of his cloak of darkness to face justice in the morning light.