[quote=PhantomSekai] Wow, I never even knew that warframe and dark sector came from the same group lol. Played Dark sector when I was like in my early teens, I loved the game (though I have a better grasp of game design and realize how not good it actually was, but still dear to me) and I hop onto steam to play warframe every so often. PC master race.Anyone here play DFO since it came back to the states and europe? [/quote] Lol yup they pulled most of the lore from that game and put it into Warframe. The infected in warframe is the same virus that infeckted Aiden Tenno in the original. The model warfrsme Excalibur is actually the same exosuit that he finds later on called Excaliber mark 1. Even the name Tenno that's used in conjunction to describe the ninjas in warframe is the last name of the main character in Dark Sector. :) oh and I play on ps4 which is an update behind lol but still badass