My name is Nathan McBride, you can say I lived a pretty normal life, growing up with parents, attending school everyday and having friends to hand out with. There was never anything traumatic that happened when I was young, I lived a happy life. My childhood was fun and full of good memories, but as I got older I started to become more and more curious about technology, my parents were never fond of it, so when I could I snuck out to the school and started messing with their computers. I didn't know much at the time, but it was fun to hunt for files that were just there to open, broadening my mind a little. Some of those files I was able to use as blackmail, that's when I started to realize how powerful technology was, all the things I could obtain and use against others. I was driven by the power, fueled by it, all I wanted was to know more. That choice lead me down a dark and narrow path, by the time I was in the middle of high school I was part of a young gang that wanted to be like the Viceroys, all I did was dig through computers and gather blackmail, and bank information, though we could only steal a small amount of money, many of the firewalls were too strong for me, but that is where I started. On the flip side, since I had to hide that life from my parents, I started up a hobby of making music, becoming an amateur DJ, nothing special but it brought me home every night and it was a good excuse to be gone for long periods of time after school., they never questioned my whereabouts. I brought this hobby of mine to life through small gigs and selling mixes to different people. Once I hit college everything changed, I started making music with a couple other guys, taking classes for music technology, making a goal to major in it, while having a class or two about computers and learning more than the basics. From there the gang broke up, wasn't going to last anyways, we just fooled around and made life easier for us, all I cared about. I made a small living off of being a DJ for a local club, one that wasn't very big but it brought in a lot of attention, I was good enough to host some of the busiest of nights. One night I came up with an idea to make money faster, and that was to gather personal information through the data on peoples cell phones, it worked, for the most part, some were protected and I couldn't get through but others were easy to hack into, I made a couple thousand dollars easy just by blackmail and bank info. I devised a plan one night while I worked at the club, and I have to say the outcome was the best thing that happened to me. While the music plays and people are dancing, I hack into their phones, large crowds at a time and most of them are careless with their life anyways, making it easy for me. That night had to of been the luckiest of them all, Defalt was there, the DJ in the middle of Chicago, yeah, he came by to see who was making all the noise and commotion in that part of town, who everyone was talking about. He came up to me and asked if I would like to join him on the turn tables, I accepted and we left at the end of the night, We talked for quite a bit, asking me where I started with music and how I moved up in the ranks. He only knew me by my real name, since that was what I went by all my life, just Nathan. But in the car, he asked me my name, I told him and he said no, asking me the same question, I was confused but I guess he wanted me to change it. I know Defalt was not his real name, maybe that's what he was asking for, I took a moment to think before giving him a solid answer, "STATIX" something I thought of for quite awhile but never brought it out. That night at his club he talked to me privately and brought something up I didn't expect at all, I didn't mention it at the slightest bit during our talk, I was surprised. He mentioned about my hacking, noticing I stole a lot of info off of people that night, he knew but how? He told me he does the same thing and would like to teach me more than what I know, I accepted of course, being able to jam with one of the best DJ's around and learn from him as well, best deal I could ask for. That night he sent me home, didn't want me to drop everything I had so suddenly, he waited till I was done with the semester so I kept his number. I had a few more months left of school and I was still hacking peoples phones and computers, especially in school, targeting the rich bastards who run the place. I got a call a couple weeks after talking to Defalt, it was from Dedsec. They said they were watching me, saw the fact that I was young and talented, want to take me in. Two people want to teach me how to hack in the big leagues, must have been my lucky streak, turns out Defalt encrypted everything he and I did so Dedsec knew nothing about the meeting, but they did know I still had plans to finish school. It was hard but I devised my time between being a DJ and working with Dedsec, small stuff. It wasn't till I was allowed into Dedsec's servers where I learned about Defalt and the mix between the two, I had a big choice to make, stay with one or the other. I had about a week left of school to decide, finals in the middle and my work still a priority. It was tough but I went with both, I saw great opportunities working with both, I knew it was dangerous but I went with it anyways. Nothing could stop me, nothing could get past me, no one would find out.