Settling his face on the towel to watch the little angel he lowers his eyelids a bit when he notices that Aoba keeps having to that energy breaks. [i]'He's really working hard, using it up like that. Well, at least there's an endless supply around here'[/i] He lets out a sigh and a soft chuckle, “Yeah, it really is, isn't it? But, that's what you do to me Little Mouse. . .” he murmurs softly, a light smile on his lips. He closes his eyes briefly when Aoba admits to feeling a bit afraid of Kuro. [i]'Yeah, I am a bit of a monster when I'm ticked. And nothing pisses me off more than idiots who can't learn their lessons and take their frustrations out on me'[/i] His eyes open back up and he blinks slowly. “My snapping at you is because of the pain love. . .” His voice trails off as Aoba tries to ask hims something about the actual torture sessions. However, unable to put the question into words properly the angel just moves right along to another question. Kuro chews on his lip a bit, a touch of hope finding it's way in with the oh so innocent question. With a smooth natural grace he smiles sincerely up at his medic. “I'm nice to you because you are nice to me. Even if you're only doing this under orders for your own reasons, you are gentle and kind, and there really is no reason for me to be otherwise.” He looks sadly at the wall, turning his gaze away from Aoba. “Even if you wouldn't do anything for me you weren't ordered to, the kindness is still there, and I cherish it. I'm not going to get lot of it here in what is left of my soon to be fatally shortened life, so I see no reason in driving you and your gentle hands away from me. . .” Keeping his eyes forward he continues, this time seeking to answer the boy's half formed question. “I think what you were trying to ask before was how I get through my sessions without sowing any reaction tot he pain. It's not easy, but it is simple.” He lowers his voice, just in case the now snoozing angels guards are faking. “I simply remove that part of myself that reacts to pain. That angel, the blond? He's not use to his victims not reacting, so he just goes on not understanding that I am never going to give in because pain is not something that can force me to talk.” He at last turns his gaze once more on to the young medic. “However you have mastered the skill of getting me to talk. So how about it, want to know what my people are planning?” His eyes are clear, his smile only slightly devious, but his gaze remains clear of all but a soft layer of curiosity.