Wow, makin' me do all the work, sheesh. [b]Name:[/b] [s]John Smith[/s] Rickard Kelber. [b]Alias:[/b] 'Camera Guy', 'Идиот', 'Get The Fuck Out Of My Way', 'No Cameras Allowed'. [b]Nationality:[/b] American. [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-four. [b]Gender:[/b] The one with the penis. [b]Physique/Appearance/Clothing:[/b] (Picture or realistic art for an image, please. Physical description as well.) Standing at a rather average height of 6'2", Rickard isn't really much of an intimidating figure. He has a bit of a childish face that almost all of the time wears a smile on it. He usually wears an unfashionable jacket that totally goes well with his blue eyes and blonde hair. He likes to travel light, only including what he can carry on his back, his clothes, and the [url=]Nikon FM2[/url] that he carries around at all times. Well, most of the time. He doesn't sleep with the damn thing, if that's what you're thinking. Other than the clothes on his back, he usually keeps a trinket or two that he finds around The Zone. A few shiny bottle caps tied around a string goes around his neck. A bit of melted glass that shines like a rainbow when he holds it up to the light. [hider=Rickard] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Spoken Languages:[/b] He really only understands English. Maybe a few words like Да or Нет, but he does understand the word несумњиво! [b]Faction:[/b] He really doesn't belong to any sort of faction, so he mostly just kind of roams The Zone. Well... most people are usually rather 'rude' in his opinion. You wouldn't believe how many curse words in Russian have been thrown at him. Most people don't take kindly to an upbeat американский roaming around their Zone, but Rickard doesn't usually pay it much attention. Its surprising how many people have wanted to steal his camera and film, but each time he's managed to keep his Nikon shinier than a whistle. You could still just call Rickard your average Stalker, but you would be completely wrong. [b]Personality:[/b] Rickard is surprisingly happy for one being stuck inside one of the closest places to Hell that you can get to on Earth. Rickard's very optimistic compared to your average gruff and untalkative Russian. Still, that doesn't mean Rickard is one emotion at all times. He's usually very joking, and will often throw zingers whenever he gets the chance. Of course, that means he usually gets his ass kicked, well, someone attempts to kick his ass for being annoying. Rickard chooses the second option when given the choice of Fight or Flight, and to be honest, pretty much 90% of the time it saves him out of a beating. The rest of the time he just flashes someone in the eyes with his camera. Nobody expects the camera. [b]History:[/b] (Same as the above.) He hails from the city of New-York. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. 'Of course, he's just your average middle-class American who got to a great school and blah blah'. Well, kind of. His father was a rather impressive banker and a stockbroker on the side. Of course, fat load of good that would do him when the stock markets crashed in the early 2000s. After that, for the most part, Rickard didn't really have very great living conditions. Still, Rickard, through plenty of hard work and lots of begging, managed to get into a nearby College and earn his bachelor's in photography and quickly jumped into amateur work. His degree turned out to be worth shit, but Rickard still managed to get a few deals. Remember Kony 2012? Yeah, he managed to get several great videos for that experience. Also managed to get a few vids of the BP Oil Spill as well, earned a few big bucks for that. Of course, only recently had he learned of the greatest deal he would ever manage to get. High Quality photos of The Zone were what his bosses wanted. At first, he might have been a little afraid. News coming out of The Zone were rather sketchy at best. Heavily mutated animals that killed on sight. Troves of raiding stalkers who'll also kill you at first sight. Of course, a lot of that turned out to be true for the most part. Still, Rickard wasn't gonna deny the money it would earn him and the fact that no other reporters managed to come out of the zone. He signed up for a simple firearms class before he went, and a few survivalist ones, but that was it for the most part. Boy, was his first day a doozy. [b]Reputation:[/b] Lets just say most people don't like him. You might find treasure hunters, bandits, hell. Even political enemies go there just to escape Russia. But a photographer? Really, you don't expect a civilian to show up and just waltz into The Zone and survive more than five minutes. Somehow, Rickard managed to do that, much to the chagrin of many stalkers who meet Rickard. [b]Weapons/Ammo:[/b] Rickard wasn't very smart when he showed up to the Zone. Like your average American, he wanted his gun large and show-offey. Rickard carries an Israeli Desert Eagle and carries a small bag full of .40 Magnum cartridges. Enough for five magazines. Yeah, go figure. Of course, he really didn't mean to shoot anyone, he really just uses it to scare off your average rabid dog and scaredy-cat Stalker. Nowadays, he's a little smarter. After trading away the piss poor weapon, he managed to purchase an MP-2 Uzi that is great for his skill since he mostly can just spray and pray for the most part. He currently has six magazines of 25-round 9mm. [b]Gear:[/b] Not much gear for the most part. He carries around a brown rucksack that holds most of his supplies. Inside he has: Two cans of Heinz Baked Beans, two more canned peaches, and one packet of Twinkies. By the way, Twinkies are one of Rickard's favorite snacks in The Zone. He also carries around a small bottle at least half full of purifying tablets, a quarter filled bottle of radiation tablets. Also a bottle of vodka. Sure, Rickard can't stand the damn stuff, but they have good trading value. He's got a small blanket and pillow stuffed in there as well, and another set of clothes. He also has his wallet with about 10,000 Rubles and a thousand Dollars. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] + Of course, the first thing you would notice about Rickard is his ability to take photos of stuff. While this usually isn't that great of a skill, to him he's a master. He's only managed to be inside The Zone for about a month, but already he's taken at least a hundred great photos. + Another skill is... running away? He really isn't much of a fighter, so most of the confrontations he more or less just runs the fuck away as fast as he can. + Yeah, he can spray his uzi, but that's about it. Still, he's able to pretty much able to spray all of his ammo onto a single position and suppress the hell out of whoever is on the other end of his gun. + Another skill is his ability to notice small differences in the environment around him. A small mouse rummaging through a pile of trash maybe twenty meters away that most people wouldn't see. A cache full of supplies hidden under rubble. + I suppose being optimistic is a good skill to have. When you're down to your last can of beans, but hey, you could find a mother load of supplies just around the corner! [b]Weaknesses:[/b] - While he might not have tons of strengths, he sure does have plenty of weaknesses. Rickard isn't very strong at all. Sure, he tried playing Football when he was just a youngin', but he failed horribly at that. - He also isn't the the most agile either. I wouldn't advise giving him a grenade, because he would probably make the worst throw of all time. - Then again, Rickard isn't very well known for his smarts. Leave the computers and machinery to those who get paid to actually fix them. Hell, he can barely access the email on his smart phone. Not like he needs a phone in The Zone, there isn't even any reception or wifi to use. - Lastly, Rickard isn't a fighter at all. Close-combat, gunfights, yeah. He won't be much of a help, and is likely to hit is own team members with his lack of accuracy. Still, Rickard isn't a coward, and will help his friends if they're in danger.