The scent of the newer maid layered in kitchen smells had caught Ryuu's attention before her chime joined the earlier arrivals. He found himself giving her a side glance just as he raised his head before his eyes flickered back to the mistress. He couldn't decide which maid was more entertaining, and was considering the differences when the mistress spoke up to address the little lump of fur covered in blood before them. He felt himself nod with the other servants, glancing over to see Kaori give her anxious glance to the spider-witch. "Prepare the room, child," Kaede answered the glance with a warm smile as Ryuu tucked his hands in his pockets as he watched Momoko fidget over the little beast before finally picking it up and fleeing the room under Sakuya's stationary power. He smirked at that as well as he watched the head butler calmly leave after the frantic maid, followed by the anxious one who rang her hands nervously to prepare the room. "Well," Ryuu let out a sigh with the word. "Since all the jobs are taken, I suppose --" "Not so fast," The pain at his ear being tugged as the spider-witch began to pull him down the hallway behind the retreating staff who went to do their assigned tasks. "If the creature is poisoned, I will retract it best I can. You, useless wolf, will follow any directions Sakuya gives and until then you will wait silently behind him - perhaps with a towel since you've gotten so good at that." The last words came in false sweetness as the released his ear. Ryuu stood straight and rubbed his ear, glaring at the back of the evil woman for a moment. He did not hate being merely a footman - in fact, he liked not having the responsibility, not to mention giving Sakuya a hard enough time. Kaede paused, causing Ryuu to suddenly halt when she turned to glance back at him, "I shall go ahead to see how Kaori is fairing. Please do not get ... distracted." [i]Yeah, yeah ... [/i] Ryuu continued following the scent of his beloved butler after Kaede made her way down a different path. Taking a solemn stance while silently waiting on the bumbling maid to finally show up with the kitsune, Ryuu inwardly felt amusement as he reached for a towel to drape over his arm while he dead-pan stared at Sakuya without saying a word. Kaori had a little trouble dragging out the futon mattress by herself being so small, but she managed - unceremoniously dragging it over to the center of the guest room and heavily dumping the end she carried with a sudden release of the breath she didn't know she was holding. Kaede appeared at the open screen just as Kaori was readjusting her disheveled uniform. The younger girl froze as their eyes met, then she glanced down at the heap of futon and blankets she left messily piled on top. Immediately, she fell to her knees in a bow, her hands falling to the disorganized mess of bedding. "I'm so sorry! It was so heavy --" "It's quite alright, Kaori," Kaede came into the room and began to readjust the futon at the opposite end where Kaori collapsed. The younger girl lifted when she felt the movement and looked quizzically to the housekeeper. The elder smiled, "I've come to help, not criticize. The mistress called all of us, so that must mean all our efforts be used. Please, straighten your end and do not worry." Kaori nodded as she wiped away a tear that had formed on one of her lids before helping Kaede prepare the bedding. "Shall I get the medicinal herbs for burning?" "Excellent idea," Kaede smiled as she straightened her posture and placed a finger to her cheek in thought, watching the girl bustle down the hallway. With a content sigh, she silently thanked the gods she didn't get stuck with Ryuu [i]and[/i] Momoko for monitoring, at least Kaori made up for her overwhelming insecurity with terribly good work - plus, Kaede had Haruki, who surprisingly put all the under-staff to shame at times. Glancing out the window and seeing that night was falling, she wondered if the gardener made it back yet.