Name: Steven Valderis Krane (Known as the Prophet of madness) Age:24 Gender:Male Appearance: I will post this later Personality: Steven is known to have constant mood swings, a heavy temper, and to be clinically insane. He is your grade-A murderous psychopath, though he only kills if hes in the mood. History: 4 years ago, Steven was shoved into the loony bin, after being arrested for the famous murders by an individual who called himself "The Prophet of Madness" He was this figure, and praised himself for it, having constant conversations with the voices in his head, which he called Susan and Greg (I will have these conversations in the RP) Open for romance:maybe, if your into madmen Sexuality: whatever the fuck he feels like Other: He looks nothing like what he did when he was tried for the murders, and therefore cannot be directly noticed as the Prophet of Madness.