Comatose: [hider=Ellie Pierce][center][img=,%20anime%20girl%20185355.jpg] [b]Ellie Pierce[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Active Abilities:[/b] Gravity Manipulation (It's like telekinesis, but potentially harmful. Will only use it on people if provoked.) [b]Passive Abilities:[/b] Clairvoyance (Knowing things without being there.) [b]Weapon(s):[/b] None. [b]Personality:[/b] She's generally quiet and pessimistic. Although not completely aware of the world around her, she can be very insightful and allow others to see the world as people generally don't. She may seem disconnected and maybe heartless, but everything that's happened thus far weighs heavily on her. She even feels regret for killing some of the people that had experimented on her. Seems as though she reacts in ways she shouldn't in certain situations. (Cry when she should be laughing, laughs when she's sad, ect.) [b]Weakness / Fear(s):[/b] Extreme OCD. I'm serious. It will be immediately obvious. She also has an extreme phobia of the dark. [b]Special Abilities / Traits / Attributes / Quirks:[/b] She has no social skills. She may not register that you're speaking to her or even exist. Tendency to perceive herself as being at the center of everything. (Slight paranoia) [b]Themesong:[/b] [youtube]yXEFyXa9FxQ[/youtube][/center][/hider]