After having gone to several stores and totally ignoring the injured bird in his hands, Argo still managed to find himself shocked at the death of it. Fatigue, it looked like.Deciding tp bury it, Argo searched for a proper burial site, finding the sandbox in a nearby park a suitable area.And, considering it WAS still well into the morning, there were little to no youngins about, eo Argo could bury his friend in peace. Singing a wordless farewell, Argo kneeled himself in a corner of the sandbox, starting to dig at it, making a hole big enough for the bird. Finally morning shift was over. It was Hyperion's third hour in, andbusiness had died down even further hid boss letting him off. Hanging his apron aside, the black haired neko exited the shop through the back, reaching up to undo his ponytail. "Ah," he sighed, "I should've probably eaten before leaving." Deciding it didny matter all that much anyways, Ion decided to head into a nearby bookstore instead, to distract himself with papers and books.