Telio stared down at the vast expanse of unfamiliar territory that was laid out before him with a look of dismay. He didn't care that the names were all foreign to him, but the fact that their was not a single island, coastline, or geographical feature that he recognized was... disconcerting to say the least. "And you are sure that this is [i]everything]/i]?" he asked, paying close attention to the edges of the map where they would most likely have some common ground. But, nothing. He sighed deeply and rubbed his eyes. Surely he was missing something because he was so tired. But then Urkwia began entertaining wild notions of other planets. And yet, it seemed the most plausible explanation. "It is... possible," he said with a bit of hesitation, finding the notion of being on an entirely new world a bit unsettling. Whenever he had traveled before, getting home was a simple as turning around and heading in the other direction. Even if he was stranded somewhere, it was at least calming to know that he was breathing the same air as the people in Eldan. But another world, another [i]planet[/i], why he had never imagined going that far from home. And yet, it made the most sense out of any theories he could come up with. "It's is more than just possible, actually," he finally admitted. "I first became interested in sapphires during my travels when I met a civilization that treated the gems as holy artifacts. They claimed that the gems could be used to communicate with the gods. Of course, I simply dismissed the idea as local superstition, but if somebody emerged from a blue disc in the ground, I can certainly see how a primitive civilization could mistake him for a god... not that I mean to imply that I am godlike in any way." He ended with a lighthearted laugh, waving his hand dismissively before any idea of his divinity could be entertained. "But, we must not jump to conclusions," he said firmly, looking back down at the map. "There is still the possibility that the world is simply twice as large as either of us thought. have your people circumnavigated it? Have they departed from the east coast and arrived on the west? My people have yet to make such a voyage for the sea is so vast that it would be difficult to carry enough supplies to keep a crew healthy." He tapped his fingers on the table nervously. A part of him hoped that this second theory was the case. After all, if the world was simply very large, the home was still theoretically just in the other direction. He was honestly a bit scared of the idea of landing on another planet... but he was also excited. After all, he had just stumbled across one of the biggest blank spots in his kingdom's history, and if there was one unknown world... "If this is another world, how do you propose to prove it? Not that I doubt you, but it would be best to be scientific about it, especially if we are to let word of this get out. We ought not conclude that there are entire worlds out there with civilizations on them simply because one confused traveler does not know where he is. After all, there is the possibility -- and I pray that this is not the case -- that the magic has warped my memories. I am certain that is what your skeptics will say of me." And indeed that was the burning question. How could they prove anything? All they had was one man's word that could easily be discounted as outlandishly fallible. "It seems if we are to grant any credibility to my words, we must learn a bit more about those sapphires. If we could reproduce the phenomenon, the perhaps my story will have some credence..."