Name : Eden Alard Age: 19 [hider=Appearance : ] [img][/img][/hider] Personality : Eden tends to be on the quiet side. She rarely speaks up and tends to isolate herself from others yet she seems to carry the same Fairy Tail pride as much as anyone else in the guild. It is rare for her to be anything less than serious with people. So far, it seems she is most comfortable with the characters she summons than anyone else. However, once she gets used to a person she tends to open up more and is able to express more emotions around them despite how quiet she may be. History : Eden grew up alone with her mother. Her father was usually never home since he was a very busy man, trying to establish a new business of his own that seemed to continuously fail. However, life was normal for her. In fact, she had yet to learn of her magic abilities until she was the age of ten. Upon her tenth year, her mother left to help her father, leaving Eden in the care of a local and retired mage who was busy running a magic shop. Spending most of her days in that shop, Eden developed a new fascination with magic and aimed to become a mage one day. While looking through the different items, she happened to stumble upon a glowing book. She opened it to find a single name written across the first page : "Robin Goodfellow". Reading the name out loud sparked something and before she could even realize what was going on, the fairy trickster was summoned fourth at her unknown command. However, she immediately fainted due to the new magic that had been put fourth and the amount that was used up. After that, Eden truly dedicated herself to mastering her magic and gaining more friends to work with. She took an interest in fairy tail partly due to it's name since the first character she summoned was a fairy. Magic : [b] Summoning Magic - Book Magic [/b] Eden's magic can be closely related to the magic used by a celestial mage except instead of dealing with spirits, it's book characters instead. These fictional characters can be summoned from their nonexisting worlds to aid her in any way necessary. They live only when summoned but, like the spirits, they never truly die. However, fictional characters are much less 'alive' than the spirits but tend to have ok bonds with their masters since they are always able to remember them. Since a contract isn't needed, in order to be able to summon fourth such characters, Eden must first enchant a book to make a connection with the fictional character. The enchantment power depends on the character one wishes to summon. For example, the more powerful the character the more magic that must be used to bring it fourth. (To show the power used I will be using a scale of 1-100. 1 being the least and 100 being the most.) After the first summon is made, Eden needs only to spell out the character's name with her magic quil in order to summon them into a battle. [hider= The Characters : ] - [url=] The Wolf[/url] - A very ambiguous character. He's a large, darking looking man with yellow eyes. He has sharp claws and pointy teeth. Resembling something close to what one might classify as a werewolf. He tends to use very harsh attacks in a somewhat frenzy fashion with little defensive moves. [i] (40/100) [/i] -[url=] The Hare [/url] and [url=]the Tortoise[/url] - These two are constantly bickering with each other due to a natural rivalry to win. So naturally, they are always summoned together since they try to out do each other when in combat. If they are able to work together, which is extremely rare, they may prove to be quite powerful. [i] (20/100)[/i] -[url=] Prince Charming[/url] - While amazing with a sword and shield, he lacks a certain composure. He constantly flirts with any girl he sees and is easily derailed from the battle. Not only that but he is also rather handsome and has an excellent way with words. He's not very dependable but can be somewhat useful if you manage to get him to work. [i] (15/100)[/i] - [url=]Robin Goodfellow [/url]- The trickster fairy and Oberon's right hand. While he may cause some by playing pranks and messing with everyone, including his master, he is an amazingly skilled fighter and one of Eden's most trusted summons. [i] (50/100)[/i] -[url=] Titania[/url] - Eden's pride and joy as a Fairy Tail member mainly starts with this one character. The queen of the fairies. While it takes a lot of magical energy to summon this one, it is completely worth it if she's in a tough situation. The fairy queen uses forest based magic with her attacks and is very skilled with her powers. [i] (80/100)[/i] [/hider] Family / Relationships : Her mother and father are both off in a far city trying to start a business. They send letters back and fourth monthly. Other : N/A