[center][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Male%20Characters/Rumpel.gif?t=1406852255][img=] [img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Female%20Characters/hairstyles-for-medium-length-hair-curly.jpg][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Male%20Characters/cat.gif?t=1406853333][/center] The Cat sat expectingly outside the castle of Rumpelstiltskin, his tail swishing side to side at the large, obviously unlocked door before him. He lowered his head in a threatening, ‘hunting’ manner as he approached the door, pushing it open with his head as he disappeared from sight. The main hall was just that, a long hall covered in cobwebs and dust. The rugs were scarcely more than bare threads clung together by grime and dust. The candelabras, unlit and dead, with spider webs strung across their surface were spread awkwardly about the hall. Even the tall chandelier on the ceiling was barely hanging on by a rusted chain, most of the candles that formerly occupied it were missing or broken. At the end of a hall and to the left in a large, empty room was a simple stool before a spinning wheel, where the castle’s infamous lord, Rumpelstiltskin sat nonchalantly, doing little to pass the time seeming entranced by the spinning of the wheel, the thread coming out on the other side spiraling into a pile of gold in a small basket. “Oh, Rumpelstiltskin, I summon thee.” The Cat said in a mocking voice as he slowly appeared in front of the spinning wheel, his unsettling grin appearing first, followed by his eyes and head; then very slowly, his body and tail. “Here’s a riddle for you: You can have me but cannot hold me; Gain me and quickly lose me. If treated with care I can be great, and if betrayed I will break. What am I?” The Cat seemed to grin wider before answering. “Trust, Imp. The answer is [i]trust[/i]. Trust which you broke that night in the dungeon: trust that I depended on you for. I want another deal.” He growled, his voice snarly and condescending. Rumpelstilskin, better known throughout the land as 'The Dark One' didn't even so much as glance up at the sudden 'intrusion' on his home. His dead eyes were keen on the thread spinning in front of him on the wheel, his leathery green hands nimble with the delicate material before magically turning into gold at his feet. Once the cat was finished speaking, Rumpelstilskin let out a high-pitched, child-like giggle. He stood from the stool in front of the spinning wheel, finally letting his eyes fall upon the feline matching the ominious grin of the enchanted cat and squatted down on his haunches, wagging his finger back and forth in front of him in a mocking gesture. "Ah, ah, ah dearie! I gave you exactly what you wanted! You asked for freedom from your physical bondage and emotional pain of your dearly behead-er, beloved little sister." He chided in a sing-song voice and with another amused giggle rose back up to his full height and turned his back to the cat, pacing away from him a few steps. "You simply made a deal you didn't quite understand, it's quite common really so I wouldn't feel too bad about it." He turned to face the cat once more, though the distance between them had grown. He outstretched his arms and shrugged with exaggeration. "Oh well!" The Cat’s grin remained, yet his eyes betrayed a veiled anger that undoubtedly hid beneath the bright, blue orbs as the Imp did little but mock him. The Cat suddenly disappeared from view, appearing suddenly on the stool of Rumpelstilskin’s spinning wheel. A muscle in Rumpelstilskin's cheek twitched seeing the black cat sitting upon his stool, but was otherwise unmoved by the change. “Though being a feline has its advantages, I miss the prospect of having opposable thumbs. I want another [i]dealll[/i].” He hissed, lengthening the word ‘deal’ as it seemed to hiss from his mouth. "What do you want?" Rumpelstilskin asked turning out his hands in question, again his voice high and playful, indicating no amount of anger or frustration in his voice. The Cat tilted his head playfully to one side as he looked directly at the short, green man. "Rumor has it you're smarter than you look. I'm beginning to think everyone's a chronic liar..." He mocked, looking quite comfortable on Rumpelstilskin's stool. "Do you ever listen, or just settle for hexing innocent people?" He hissed, the playful tone in his voice replaced by one of anger. "I want my humanity back..." He finally said, swishing his tail from side to side. Ignoring the cat's snide remarks, Rumpelstilskin approached the stool the feline had made himself comfortable on and picked up the cat as if it were a bag of vile garbage and set it down on the floor, where he then sat back down on the stool. "I don't usually make deals with animals..." Rumpelstilskin said crossing his thin leg over the other, using his gnarly green hands to hold his knee. "...however, I feel myself in a generous mood today and accept your offer." Releasing one hand from his knee, he waved it around in a small circle out in front of him, a small swirl of powder blue smoke appearing for just a moment before disappearing, revealing a tiny vial of glimmering blue liquid being held fast in his hand. "And in return..." Rumplestilskin said taking more interest in looking at the vial than at the cat he was dealing with. "...you will bring someone to me. Someone not of this world." He moved his arm and shook the vial in front of the cat slowly, almost tantalizingly. "Dr. Jekyll, you will find her in a world where there is no magic. You must convince her to return here with you, and to come see me. Do we have a deal?" "I'll bring your pet back to you." The Cat hissed in response as he slunk back towards the still-open door. "I will come to you when I am finished." He said, beginning to fade from view. "I know you will." Rumpelstilskin said quietly after The Cat, pressing his fingertips together as an even broader grin spread across his face. ------------------------ The Cat left the unkempt castle, feeling the cool night wind beat against his face as he exited, his tail sticking straight up in a haughty manner as he pitter-pattered down the front steps into the tall, cool grass. It had been some time since he had jumped from one world to the other, getting there and back would be difficult…most likely requiring the hat of the Mad Hatter. Disregarding this issue for a more pressing time, he lifted one paw up to feel at the heart-shaped key that rested against his chest, bound by a small ribbon that provided enough room to be a necklace without worry of it falling off him. “Well then, no time to waste.” He said to no-one in particular as he began fading away into thin air once more, starting with the edge of his tail and winding up all the way to his face, where his wide grin and eerie eyes stayed for a few extra moments before disappearing as well. He made the quick side-journey to the Mad Tea Party, an event locked perpetually in time at 6 o' clock. After much pestering, the Cat was able to procure the hat of the Hatter, the large top hat looking humorously awkward on the Cat's head as he teleported away once again. The travel in-between worlds was hazy and dangerous, as even one wrong step could scatter himself until he was nothing but an echo. But this time, using the Hat guaranteed success. His landing was less than subtle, crashing into a metal trash can and quickly landing on his feet to hopefully recover his lost dignity. “Time to jump in time to jump through time – I’m dizzy…” He complained to himself as he began sprinting across the street looking for Dr. Jekyll. It wouldn’t be too difficult to find her, as he still had his wits about him. But not being able to teleport severely limited his movement speed, which he noted mentally with a very small, quick grimace before his mouth twisted into that unsettling grin that never left. The people who stopped to look at him had what could only be described as surprise on their face as they saw a large black cat with a wide grin, blue eyes, and a top hat bounding down the street. His search was (fortunately) short-lived as the austere mansion of Dr. Heather Jekyll came into view in the distance. The Cat’s grin seemed to widen a little as he sprinted towards the large house at a blindingly fast speed, even for a cat. Eventually stopping in front of the house, he couldn’t help but [i]meow[/i], irritated that the door was locked. Dr. Heather Jekyll paced in her laboratory once again. All of the chemicals sat either still, or boiling and bubbling from the heat of the candles underneath the glass containers. She couldn’t sleep again. She was currently trying to think of another way to get rid of Evelyn Hyde. She had tried every chemical compound that wasn’t poisonous and deadly to the human body that she could think of. Nothing worked to help her get rid of Hyde. She couldn't even sleep right now. She couldn't sleep with the guilt she felt from Hyde's deeds. She had trampled over a little girl, she killed Sir Danvers Carew, and now...Lanyon was dying, all because he saw Hyde switch back to herself. It was too much of a shock for Lanyon, enough to make the poor scientist bedridden sick. She remembered how she had uttered the words to summon Rumplestiltskin after she had killed Sir Danvers Carew and recalled the story she read to the little girl. She passed off the deed as a meaningless one made out of her own grief and possible madness. She remained in her own lab, alone and away from the people she cared about in order to protect them. She heard someone knock on the door and she heard Poole's voice call "Lady Heather? I'm setting your dinner right outside of the door, as you requested," Heather called back "Thank you, Poole," She listened carefully for Poole's footsteps, making sure that he walked away before she could continue any more experiments, or have any arguments with Hyde. Prowling about the property, The Cat eventually spotted an open window that, judging by the smell, seemed to be a laboratory. “Well, that confirms my theory.” He commented with a small ‘shrug’ of his shoulders as he hopped on top of the windowsill, ducking his head to crawl through the open space. “Hello, Dr. Jekyll.” He greeted in a civil, if not somewhat condescending tone, his tail swishing from side to side as it usually did when he was speaking to others. Dr. Jekyll had been facing the door, letting out a silent sigh when Poole seemed to have left, when a strange voice suddenly spoke. She turned towards the window to see a cat wearing a top hat instead of a person. She looked befuddled when she saw that it was only a cat...with a strange and startling grin on its face as well. She asked Hyde silently, not even opening her mouth, not giving a single indication that she was communicating silently to another her. [i]"Hyde...are you responsible for this?! Because this isn't funny,"[/i] Jekyll heard an immediate response from Hyde, seeing her counterpart shrug [i]"Nope. Not this time!"[/i] Jekyll shook her head and went over to her journal and as she wrote, she spoke out loud, "Compound number R263...Symptom number 1: Hallucinations. May take some time for it to fade..." The Cat tilted his head to the side as he jumped from the window to one of the chemistry tables, narrowly avoiding knocking down beakers and bottles in the process. "Well, I've been called many things before but never a symptom...should I take that as a compliment or insult?" He asked playfully as he got closer to her. Heather looked towards the cat when it walked across the chemistry table, causing the bottles and beakers to shake and almost fall to the ground. She couldn't help but grit her teeth in anxiety when this was happening. This time she actually saw the cat actually speak, and was even more startled at the fact. She was silent when he asked his question. "You've been invited by Rumplestiltskin for some kind of affair and I am your escort. I am the Cheshire Cat." He introduced himself with a subtle bow of his head while flamboyantly waving one of his paws out in front of him. When he mentioned Rumplestiltskin and that he was there to bring her to him, Heather snapped out of her silent stupor and she asked "Wait...so he's real then?! If he is real, then why didn't he come here himself?" After she had asked her second question, she was a little more suspicious about the situation. She wasn't sure if what she was seeing was real, or just a hallucination. "You're a scientist, Dr. Please think a *little*." He insulted, his voice not losing its calm, smooth tone as he spoke. "The only reason the Imp would not come himself is because he [i]can't[/i]. Most powerful being in the world and he can't make a simple world jump. Folly to me." He said with a small shrug of his shoulders. Heather caught on to the insult and her startled facial expression melted into an unamused and serious expression. She commented to the cat as she pushed up her glasses "As a scientist, asking questions is an important part of the job. If no one's going to answer, then we'll find out for ourselves," "Now then, there's no time to waste." The Cat said nonchalantly as he began tapping one of the glass beakers with a single paw, eyeing it curiously. The Hatter's hat twirled around at the end of his tail where he had put it for the time being. When the cat tapped at the beaker, she warned "Please don't do that! You'll knock it off of the table." "I'm a cat, I know when to be gentle." He said in response to her warning, giving the beaker one last tap before leaving it be. Heather then asked the cat, "How do you intend to get the both of us over there anyway?" With that question, she could surmise that the cat came here the same way it planned on leaving. "This hat is a *special* hat." He began, sounding as if he was explaining it to a young child. "It accesses a Portal of Doors, allowing us to access the fantasy world we wish to go to. All you have to do is take a leap of faith." He finished, sounding more civil as he flung the hat from the tip of his tail onto another nearby desk. He turned to look at Dr. Jekyll once more, his grin not changing as his eyes stared deep into hers. Heather looked carefully at the cat as it spoke, and after it spoke, she asked Hyde silently, once again making sure not to give the cat any indication that she was communicating with someone in her head, [i]"Well, Hyde? Is he...telling the truth?"[/i] As she silently asked, she breathed in through her nose discreetly, and soon enough Hyde answered with a sneer, [i]"Yeah, the cat's telling the truth. But you know...you will NEVER be rid of me Jekyll. Never!"[/i] Heather ignored Hyde and she said with a sigh "Hold on," She went to her journal, ripped out a page, and wrote a brief letter to her friend John Utterson telling him to change her will so that if anything happened to her, everything she owned went to her friends. She went over to a chair that held a cloak, her own top hat, and a cane with a heavy brass curved handle. She placed the cloak around her shoulders, and her top hat on her head and held her cane. She looked to the cat before looking to the hat. She saw the top part of the hat disappear and the rim grow larger in circumference, into a gaping hole leading to who knows where. She did not doubt that this venture may lead her to death, but she did hope that it would help her find a better life later. With a deep breath, she jumped through the hole, taking that cat's 'leap of faith'. The Cat offered little more than an approving nod as Dr. Jekyll jumped into the hat, quickly following in her stead. The hat led them to a circular-shaped room with seventeen different doors lined up around them, bordered by red curtains. "Ah, good. I can already feel my powers returning." The Cat said in an obviously relieved manner. "Before we continue on, though." He began, turning to look at her. "I have a riddle for you." Without waiting for her response, he began. "What does man love more than life? Fear more than death or mortal strife? What do the poor have, what the rich require, and what contented men desire? What does the miser spend, the spendthrift save, and all men carry to their graves?" He asked, tilting his head while waiting for her response. Dr. Jekyll landed on her feet, stumbling a bit but kept her balance. She looked at the doors, confused and trying to figure out which one led to the place the cat was trying to lead her towards. However, he stopped and he asked her a riddle. She listened carefully, and she recalled hearing this particular riddle from one of her past dinner parties. Lanyon had given this riddle that had befuddled her in the past. She answered him, never betraying the pain of the memories she had now, "It's nothing. The answer to your riddle is nothing," "Right-o. That's putting your noggin to use." The Cat commended with an approving nod as he scampered towards one of the doors, pushing it open with his head. "Come now. Time is wasting." He said, his snarly attitude returning just as quickly as it had left. Dr. Jekyll remained stoic as she followed the cat, pushing the door open for herself with her hand. She noticed how the surroundings had changed drastically in comparison to London. She also couldn't help but notice how the cat seemed to be in a sort of foul mood. Was it because of this Rumpelstiltskin that they were going to meet? She figured it would be best to ask. She asked the cat as she followed "So, Cheshire. You've met Rumpelstiltskin before, is that correct? Care to tell me what he is like? I'd like to know who I'm going to be dealing with ahead of time." The Cat seemed to stop abruptly as she asked about Rumpelstiltskin. He tensed up, his back arching subtly as if a sudden chill came over him as he turned his head towards her, offsetting his displeased body language with his grin. "Rumpelstiltskin represents disorder and chaos. I can't tell you what he's like because I don't know." He said, reaching one paw up to feel the key around his neck, almost like a nervous tick. "But yes - I've worked with him before." He said as a final note before beginning to walk once more. Heather didn't need Hyde's sense of smell to be able to tell that the cat lied a bit before he conceded to having worked with said man before. She easily could tell that handing his key was a nervous tick. She followed him and she asked, "All I would like to know, Cheshire, is whether this Rumpelstiltskin is reliable or not. Was he reliable when you last worked with him?" "You're quite curious, Doctor. And that instinct might serve you well - but curiosity can land one in trouble. And you don't have nine lives." He said in an openly unfriendly tone. He wasn't willing to share his entire life story with someone he had just met five minutes ago and he certainly wouldn't tolerate her incessant questioning. Heather muttered in response to the cat's warning about curiosity, "You do not have to tell me that," She had already gotten into trouble because of her curiosity. She then said to the cat, "Look, I'm only asking so I can make sure that I don't end up in any more trouble than I am already," The Cat snickered, an odd gesture for a cat. Though it sounded haughty and cruel, Heather could possibly note a bit of pity in it as well. "You act as though you can deal with Rumpelstiltskin without getting into trouble. You shall learn soon enough." He said, not bothering to look back at her. His tail, usually swishing by now was stiff as it was obvious he was remembering something...something painful. Heather raised an eyebrow at the cat's voice, noticing how his voice seemed to have a hint of pity amongst its cruelty and haughtiness. She commented dryly and almost sarcastically, "Your confidence is most certainly comforting, Cheshire," She then spotted a castle in the distance and she asked "That's where Rumpelstiltskin lives?" "Yes, currently. No doubt he is awaiting us as we speak." The Cat responded in a neutral manner, sitting back on his haunches for a moment. "Whatever you do, Dr. Jekyll: Watch. Your. Words." He warned her in a completely serious tone as he continued to walk towards the castle. "If there's one thing Rumpelstiltskin enjoys doing aside from committing random cruelties it is manipulating people into manipulating *themselves*." He explained coolly. Jekyll looked to the cat as he answered and gave her his warning. She committed the warning to memory, knowing that it was important. She immediately began trying to think of how she needed to word her wish without giving Rumpelstiltskin any loopholes he can work with. As she did, she said to Cheshire. "Thank you for the warning, Cheshire," She looked towards the castle, and tilted her top hat forwards so the brim's shadow covered her eyes, and she mumbled under her breath, in return for the cat's warning "If you're near me and you see the slightest change...flee." "Noted. Whatever you could possibly turn into couldn't catch me." The Cat responded confidentally, referring to his teleportation ability which Dr. Jekyll had not seen yet. Deciding to have a bit of fun, the Cat began to disappear as he walked; but not instantly, little bits at the time. First his tail disappeared, then his paws, then his legs, his body, and then his head, in slow bits. The ears first, the necklace, whiskers, everything. Until all that remained was a floating pair of eyes and that wide, unsettling grin that bobbed as if still in step. Jekyll didn't say anything in response to the cat's comment. She wouldn't doubt that the cat would give Hyde a difficult time, but still, there is a chance that Hyde could surprise the both of them. She then noticed how the cat disappeared until he was only a floating pair of eyes and a grin. She wanted to ask how that was possible, but she knew that the cat most likely won't answer her. She muttered "I'm not even going to ask about that," Soon enough they were in front of the doors leading to Rumpelstiltskin's castle. -------------------- "I must say, I'm rather impressed...cat." A voice from behind the duo said upon their abrupt approach to the castle, the word 'cat' sounding more like the word was somehow poisoned as it left the tongue. Rumpelstilskin had materialized behind them and as they turned to face him, he extended out his arms and took a deep, over-exaggerated bow with his dead eyes never leaving those of Dr. Jekyll. "R-r-r-rumpelstilskin, at your service!" He said coming out of his bow, using his tongue to roll the 'r' in his name. "Well, well, well." The Cat commented as he quickly materialized once again into his full form. "It seems you've grown impatient, haven't you Rumpel? I can see that the centuries have not taught you manners." He insulted, his grin looking like one of genuine amusement as opposed to the usual intimidation it inflicted onto others. Heather Jekyll was startled when a new voice appeared behind her and she whirled to face the stranger. She was almost ready to use her cane, the murder weapon used on Danvers Carew, on the stranger, but when she learned it was Rumpelstiltskin, she relaxed slightly. She sighed silently, trying to calm herself down and not give Hyde any excuse to come out, while the cat insulted Rumpelstiltskin. She tilted her hat upwards so her blue eyes would be visible as the cat and the stranger spoke with each other. Coming out of his bow into his full height, Rumpelstilskin waved his hand, the blue content-filled vial materializing in his hand once more. "Careful dearie, you wouldn't want to upset the one person that can set you free..." He taunted and then, in a sense of mockery, dropped the glass vial purposfully. The vial plummeted down, but some unseen force kept it from hitting the ground below, seeming to hover in mid-air just mere centimeters above the ground. Rumpelstilskin let out a somewhat unsettling giggle as he watched the cat's reaction and the vial disappeared, only to reappear in his hand once more. "Do not toy with me, Imp. I brought the girl to you. You owe me my humanity back." He hissed, his words practically dripping with venom. His blue eyes narrowed hatefully, turning the eerily amusing grin into a dark sneer. "Now let's get this over with. I'm overdue for a nap." He complained neutrally, returning to his casual, if not arrogant demeanor. Rumpelstilskin, for the time being, ignored the girl and squatted down onto his haunches, holding out the vial in front of him. "Here kitty-kitty." He goaded, using his free hand to wave the cat over to him, his face split into a wide, amused grin. The Cat, though betrayed by his grin sounded utterly annoyed. "Come a little closer, I'll claw your eyes out." He remarked dryly, slowly pacing over and swiping the vial away in one fluid motion, catching it in his mouth gently as it fell. He dropped it softly to the ground in front of him. "Now, I assume our business is done here?" He asked, though it sounded more in the form of a plea. Standing up once more, Rumpelstilskin let out yet another giggle to the cat's threat. Even if they were more than just empty words, it would do the cat no good. "For now, but I expect I'll be seeing you again sometime soon." Rumpelstilskin said putting his hands together, the grin still on his face and a glimmer in his eye that gave away that he knew something that the other two didn't. "But remember!" He interjected himself. "You still owe me a favor..." "Yes, unfortunately. No doubt unpleasant. I'll be off now. Have fun torturing innocent souls." The Cat mocked before outright disappearing in a small orange flash that outlined his body for a split moment after his disappearance. Heather watched the whole exchange, realizing why the cat didn't like Rumpelstiltskin so much and that she may have made a mistake. However, there was no turning back at this point. She just needed to recall what her friend, John Utterson taught her when it came to contracts, and she knew she needed to remember Cheshire's warning and watch what she said. She also needed to make sure Hyde didn't murder this...imp. With a soft snicker, Rumpelstilskin looked from where The Cat had disappeared and back to Dr. Jekyll. "Oh don't mind him dearie, he's just a cat." He giggled and began walking towards the grand double doors that led to the entrance of his castle. "A talking, sentient cat." Heather added dryly. "I imagine we have business to discuss, yes?" He asked, gesturing with his hand for her to follow him. When he asked about business, she followed answering him seriously, "There are questions that need to be answered first. About what you are able to do and unable to do. I already know that you can't travel between worlds." "Yes, I'd imagine that someone from your world would be limited to the information reguarding The Dark One, however, information did indeed find it's way to you." Rumpelstilskin pointed out, leading Heather from the main entrance of the castle to one of the side rooms usually used for events such as grand balls and parties. He walked to the lone stool that sat out in the middle of the room in front of the spinning wheel and ran his hand gently over the wood, seeming lost in thought for a moment before turning to look back at her. "There is very little that I can't do dearie, but one thing that you must always remember while here in MY world is that magic...ALWAYS comes at a price." As Rumpelstiltskin led her through the castle and to the ballroom where the spinning wheel was, she pointed out after he mentioned that information found her. "Yes, but that information may not be correct. For example, one of the stories about you stated that you died from ripping yourself in half. And yet...here you are!" Rumpelstilskin's grin fell from his face at the mention of being torn in half and his eyes glanced over to the only window in the room that wasnt covered by a dusty, nailed down curtain. "I may as well have..." He said extremely softly to himself, just barely above a whisper. Shaking his head a bit, he cleared his throat and turned back to Heather, his child-like demeanor back in the way he moved and spoke. "So, hypothetically speaking, what's the price if you want to get rid of a part of yourself? I want to know before I decide." She heard Hyde shout in her mind in protest, and a headache appeared for Heather. She ignored it however, in favor of paying attention to his answer. "Get rid of a part of yourself? That's pretty dark dearie, and that answer won't come without a heavy price..." He took a couple steps back towards her before casually walking around her in a small circle, his dead eyes kept on her entirely, seeming to size her up. "There is something dark about you, dearie, a part of you that resists everything that is you..." He said, continuing to circle around her slowly, speaking out-loud his observations. Before she could answer his comment, he walked around her, which set her slightly on edge. When he mentioned the dark part of her, and mused out loud, she added knowing full well what that darkness is, "Like a completely different person." He stopped walking, only facing her directly now just a few feet away, his smile unwavering. "What would you be prepared to lose to gain back what was once yours?" He asked, his tone more serious than his usual giddyness. But he continued on without waiting for her to answer. "How about...your world...?" He let those words sink in for just a few moments, watching her facial expression with keen interest. "If you agree to stay here in MY world, forever, and serve as my apprentice, you will find the peace you seek." He went on, going into a small giggle fit soon after as if he already knew that he had gotten exactly what it was that HE wanted. Heather wasn't able to answer his first question when he mentioned losing her world. It was just as she had partially suspected. She had already made things right, made her peace, and said her goodbyes to her friends, before coming here. Of course she'll miss her friends, but at least they'll be safe from her. She sighed and said "I am prepared to stay here and work as your apprentice." With a half-laugh and half-giggle, Rumpelstilskin threw up his hands in excitement, his legs slightly bending in an almost jig-like step as he closed the distance between them and extended out his hand for her to shake. "Are you sure? It's forever dearie..." He said, though he kept his hand out firm for her to shake. Heather could hear Evelyn scream in protest at this point, as she stretched out her hand and shook Rumpelstiltskin's answering with a serious and unwavering voice, "I'm sure," The imp's grin widened, revealing his rotting teeth as he shook her hand in return. "Then the deal is struck."