[center] [b] Teams [/b] [/center] [i] The list of different teams. [/i] ----- [center][b] Main Plot Ideas [/b] [/center] [i] These are different ideas for main issues that the guild as a whole will have to face. [/i] - [i]He Lives[/i] - Ancholgia, might have spelled it wrong so I apologize, the dragon whom has been a threat to humanity for many centuries reappears. The monster must be destroyed at all costs but how can you defeat such a powerful opponent? - [i]Time Travel [/i]- A lost and forbbiden magic.. Who would want to change history? Rumors spread of a dark guild creating a device that will enable them to travel back in time provided they use the right steps in the portal's creation. However, what will happen when the members of the present Fairy Tail find that the person trying to change the past is none other than Romeo, now a very old man, trying to change the fate of fairy tail?