Name : Kage Matron Age: 39 [hider=Appearance : ] [img][/img] Looks a little younger though.[/hider] Personality : Being the first master of the completely new fairy tail, he as a few obvious traits. Kage is bold and wise, making him a great speaker and fairly good persuader. However, with the heart of a Fairy, he is never afraid to start a fight. In fact, he's quick to jump to conclusions and try to start one half the time. Despite his age, Kage tends to act much younger than he really is. He's brash, impulsive and cares more about the guild than anything else. History : Kage grew up the son of a very rich man. He was always treated with both fear and respect by people of lower class, which was something he couldn't understand until later in life. As a child, he heard stories of the guild called fairy tail. Most were heroic until he learned of their fate and was utterly devastated. However, he grew up with the dream of changing the guild's fate, believing it never truly vanished. So he committed himself to try and become a great and worthy mage in order to become the appropriate master of fairy tail. At the death of his father, Kage inherited a great sum of money. Nearly all of which he put in the effort to reconstruct the guild. A few years later, after gathering together a small group of mages, He was able to put together and restore the Fairy Tail guild. Magic : [b] Nightmare Magic - [/b] With the ability of nightmare magic, Kage is able to read people's deepest fear and bring it to life before them. It's rather powerful magic that can be used to freeze enemies in their tracks. Due to his extensive training and perfecting of his magic, Kage is able to use it to it's upmost abilities but some fears may be a little more difficult to create than others. However, he does face one weakness. When people manage to accept their fears for a moment and attack, he may find himself vulnerable since the magic isn't able to slow them down however he is still able to fight. Family / Relationships : None. Treats everyone in the guild like his family(more like siblings than children though) Other : Is the current master of Fairy Tail. (He'll be a little less than a main character and a little more than a side character)