[quote=Rin] I think he gets my approval for the usage of All-Star Superman alone. XDAlso yay, Eilidh was accepted. ^_^ And everyone else looks pretty cool. Looks like this will be all kinds of fun. [/quote] All-Star Superman is probably the greatest Superman comic ever written. [quote=Dblade26] So...did Batman get accepted? Sorry his profile's kind of lengthy, but and compared to any wiki I've seen I streamlined it considerably [/quote] Hey man, my bio for Supes is longer so don't worry about it. And yes, your Batman is accepted. Also your Bat-bio is open ended enough to allow for a character like Nightwing or Robin to be played by someone else if they wanted to which is good. As it stands right now, I like the make-up of our team and we definitely have enough players to start. I'll try make the first IC post tomorrow if I can. If other players want to come in and hop on board later that's cool. As far as Wonder Woman is concerned, I have a plan to introduce her in a big way down the road if nobody plays as her for this first story.