[IMG]http://i581.photobucket.com/albums/ss257/Anastasiadream/imagejpg1_zpsbdeb5bd2.jpg[/IMG] Name: Sora Mathews Alias: Storm Song Gender: Female Age: 15 Abilities: Avian physiology- She has black wings that fold nicely against her back Weather manipulation: She can sense, create, shape and manipulate weather, ie. the meteorological patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog and temperature changes. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena or control the intensity of the weather in highly concentrated (inside room) or vastly extended (continental) areas. Musical Empethy: Her abilities are affected by the music she is listening to. For example, upbeat and fast paced music allows her to fly faster, and Beethoven's fifth makes it easier for her to build up storms. She can use her abilities without the music, but they are not as strong. Weapon(s): none Personality: she is quiet, timid, kind, caring, and is willing to help as long as it does not involve someone touching her or her touching someone else. She has always had a mild case of Haphephobia, but it became acute due to what had been done. Another result of the experiments was Broca's Aphasia, a disorder where it is hard for her to put together words in an understandable way. Weakness/fears: She is afraid of being touched, spiders, snakes, and bats. Her legs are disfigured due to a skeletal deformation that she was born with. This makes it nearly impossible for her to walk, and just like she would if she could walk she gets tired when flying. Also, if she tries using her weather manipulation for too long or too often without music she will become exhausted and eventually pass out. Special Abilities/traits/attributes/quirks: She loves to read and has an eidetic memory, so she can remember everything she has read.