@ Ethan: Hi there! Thanks for your interest, there's no rush on the sheet, just post it when it's ready! @ Kiddo: I always like to start with bad news, so that I can give good news second and end on a positive note. So, bad news. First and foremost, Kevin can't be a drug addict in Osmond's. The staff certainly won't give him any of this Awakening stuff, especially since he seems to like it so much. Of course, none of the other patients sell it, either. That will have to be removed. I would suggest you add that to his history, perhaps his drug abuse was part of what made him break down. And speaking of the history... I have mixed feelings about that. Because you were honest about the source of your inspiration, I'm inclined to believe that you at least wrote your own version of the main character from the story, and I also recognize that anything you write with him in our thread will be your own original material. [img=http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i343/MadeByMaiden/LoLAllowIt_zps5fe39d43.gif] One final thing on the 'cons' list is that he's a Legendary level. I've never played or watched Pokemon, (Did you just gasp in abject terror?) but your capabilities section alone tells me he can't go running around without any chains on. As a result, this deceptively small fellow will have to wear a limiter collar. I will have to do a little research to what voltage/wattage/whatever would be a reasonable limit. I'll get back to you on that. On to the good news! So he's not actually a death bunny. He's a lab-created(?) Legendary Pokemon with a madman's soul trapped in his tiny lil fluffly lil body. I want to snuggle him but I feel like that would somehow be dirty. I am thinking of one character we have playing now, El_Tigre's Dante, [i]who is a magician.[/i] I know you know what I'm thinking. At least, you should know. And the character's reactions to him are going to be priceless. One of mine most especially. Plus, I can see a future for him in the long term plot that I can't discuss right now. ;) I like it when I see potential. Also, quit stalkin' me. As you see, I've got a lot to read [i]and[/i] write. :P @ nonsequitur: Ryn is very well done! I adore the Narcissistic Personality Disorder, I've always wanted to see someone play that. I can't go back to check the old threads, but if you're not the first you're one of the very few who's ever tried it. She's also powerful but not in an especially destructive sort of way, which I find quite refreshing. But the mouths on her fingers are [i]creepy as fuck[/i] to envision in my head. Again, well done. You made me shudder. Also, since she sort of looks like an angel, I bet a lot of the other patients will assume she's more powerful than she really is. I don't really see any edits that need to be made... but it couldn't hurt your case if you fleshed out the history just a little. You say her childhood was uneventful... did she have any siblings? Were they close or did they fight alot? What about the guy who hunted and caught her? What's his name? Is he totally dreamy? XD So, I have two CS posted, and two more who have expressed interest. The third CS will make it a best submission process, which is exactly what it sounds like. Anyone who wishes to apply is still more than welcome to write a character sheet. If I get more than two, I will simply have to face the sad choice on my hands. Judging by what I've seen so far, you guys won't make it easy on me. I might even cave and take three, depending on what else gets turned in before the close. ;)