I am Aurelia Booth, it's pronounced (R-L-E-UH). I was named somewhat after the city I was born in, Aurora, Illinois. Orphaned at seven I spent most of my childhood going from foster home to foster home. It caused me to turn out a little less than normal, not that I care much, I like being different. Luckily for me, despite my strange family life, I had a great time in school and could make friends easily. I was never alone no matter where I was moved too. Eventually I found a foster family that were almost decided on "keeping me" and it made me the happiest child on Earth. Little did they know the trouble they were getting themselves into. I was abnormal, interested in technology like you wouldn't believe; on the same note I was rebellious, independent, strong willed, and could be anti social with constant urge to fight for what I believed in. They couldn't handle me no matter how hard they tried. This was just the beginning of the madness. It turned out that my almost adopted father was a high ranking employee of a company called Blume who basically ran the entire city of Chicago with their technology, more specifically an operating system that they called ctOS. I only knew this because I had snuck into my father's office and hacked into his computer. For someone who worked for Blume, his system wasn't very protected. My curiosity was piqued and I felt as though I needed to know more about this ctOS thing and Blume, who's reach was slowly spreading to other parts of Illinois and soon the rest of the country. After I found this information I knew I would have to get better with tech and hacking to delve deeper into the system and find out everything there was to know about Blume, what I found would change the course of my life forever. It was too late, by the time I found out about the corrupt happenings in the underground world of Chicago there was no going back. Once my father found out what I had been up too he restricted me to the house for weeks at a time, wouldn't let me have a cell phone or anything that connected to the internet, and worst of all wouldn't let me speak to my friends. He was always watching me, it had to have been what they told him to do. They didn't want their dirty little secrets getting leaked out, but what could just one girl with weak hacking abilities do? I decided to take a stand, in secret at first, which was the only thing I could do until I improved. A friend of a friend starting teaching me how to fight and how to do parkour in case Blume sent someone to take me out which was something I was afraid of. In the rest of my restricted free time, mostly during the night when I slip out undetected, I started collecting tech parts and different things of that nature to start building my own stuff. It was hard at first, I couldn't even make a light turn on using a potato or build a science fair volcano, but I was determined enough to keep trying, I didn't need the internet to learn, I had books. Figuring that it was only a matter of time before my dad found out about my own little secrets I began to make an escape plan. As much as I loved my dear almost adopted parents I would have to leave them behind if I wanted to get to the bottom of the corruption that was going on with Blume. At age fifteen I decided I was ready, it was time for me to leave it all behind and start over. Late into the night I disappeared and escaped on the crappy old motorcycle I scavenged from a junkyard and added parts too. Despite it being almost unusable and ugly as all hell, it was my first love. With the money I had hacked from my parents' back accounts I escaped to Chicago, it took me about an hour to get there as it was somewhere around 45 miles to my destination. That's when my real life started. I took on the name Aur-e (R-E), some people called me Whisper because I was nothing but one, clever huh? Anyway, my hacking had improved and only continued to improve as a got older. Now I was in the center of it all, I could be like my hero Guy Fawkes and stop the bad guys.... maybe not exactly how he did, but you get the picture. There I was fifteen years old, fending for myself in the biggest city in Illinois where most of the shit went down. I took my funds, gathered more by hacking other people's phones to get into their bank accounts and got myself a place to stay. I was new here, no one knew my identity and I was going to keep it that way. The more I learned the more cautious I became, I kept myself out of the ctOS database and even managed to get into it so I could profile whoever I wanted to, and even control the city with hacking. It was a beautiful work of art that I had found. Three years later, after all my snooping, shit began to catch up with me. Blume finally found out where I was and wanted me dead, they'd never find me though, not with the me controlling the city, using it against them. Not even the almighty Club or the Viceroys could touch me. He taught me otherwise. At age eighteen I met Aiden Pearce, The Vigilante or The Fox, as the media called him. I was walking down the streets trying to be inconspicuous while still hacking people's bank info as I went, I consider it fortunate that I had managed to hack into the right phone and the right time. As confusing as that sounds, what happened was I walked past him, recognized him from the news and attempted to hack into his phone. Of course it almost worked with my skills... he caught me though, fortunately that's exactly what I wanted. I convinced him, not very easily, to take me under his wing and teach me all he knew. Although he wouldn't share anything about himself with me and wouldn't get close to me in any way he did as I asked, teaching me and allowing me to go on missions for him. This made me feel like I had a greater purpose. Aiden taught me about justice and that, like The Vigilante, I could fight for it. I could take criminals down just as he does. That's what I wanted to do, that's what I came to do, and I wasn't going to stop until the corruption in Blume was revealed to the public. They tried to keep me down, and I wasn't okay with that. With Dedsec in my way it would be a bit complicated to get to them, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I figured they could even be of some used to me, despite what Aiden said about staying away from them. Furthermore, with Aiden's help this should go just as I wanted it to, it's awesome, let the games begin.