[Hider=Appearance][img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/256/4/1/okara__plan_to_spoof_izaya_orihara_by_mesha_san-d5ektsg.jpg][/hider] [center]Full Name: Lucas Walker Alias(es) / Titl(es) / Nickname(s): N/A Gender: Male Age: 19 Active Abilities: Hyalokinesis- He can manipulate glass- However, this does not mean he can create glass, he merely controls glass. For example, he can shatter a window and shape the glass shards into flechettes, and can independently control any glass object he comes across. Another example of an application of this power- He can basically make the glass windows on a car implode, causing the glass to violently rip through the occupants inside. Passive Abilities: Retrocognition- Lucas can see past events, either in a room, an object, or a person, but he has to be in physical contact with the person/object first. Weapon(s): N/A Personality: Lucas is pretty close to mentally stable. Sure, he’s a bit more paranoid than one should be, but he still generally trusts people. He won’t harm someone unless they have done something of ill intent towards him. He’s very patient and calm. However, Lucas thinks more logically than emotionally- Which is a fault as much as it is a benefit. While he can think his way out of most situations, a side effect is that he simply does not have much empathy for others. He doesn’t catch on to many facial cues, and almost never to emotional cues. He may even be apathetic at times, focusing more on the problems ahead than other peoples’ well being. What may come off as rude from others may be completely normal for Lucas, which hinders his social interactions with others. Weakness/Fear(s): Lucas can only manipulate glass if it is in the immediate vicinity. Without that, he is practically powerless. Even though Lucas seems uncaring towards others, he is actually very afraid of dying alone. and is also claustrophobic. Special Abilities / Traits / Attributes / Quirks: Enjoys learning history. Somehow the thought of having an understanding of those who came before him is appealing for Lucas. Themesong: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITWK3UIT6KA]Apparat- Goodbye[/url][/center]