Finally, Emma stood to stretch; she had plenty of space with the pod nearly cleared out, and though it certainly helped with the stiffness brought on by the cryo-shock, the fatigue would have to be dealt with at a later time. Taking up her pack, she finally decided to follow that sweet aroma that tugged at her curiosity, making her way through the hatch just in time to have her attention directed to the sky. "The other pods," she mused, cracking half a smile for a moment before the creeping realization finally ambushed her on her. The weariness from the combination of cryo-shock and unfamiliar gravity did its best to stifle her sudden enthusiasm, and though the struggle showed as she continued, she was determined not to allow herself to be overcome. "Keep your eyes open for an especially big fireball. That'll be the cargo pod. It's programmed to jettison if the escape pods are released while the ship is in orbit. Oh! And keep track of the general direction of the other escape pods, too! We'll all want to group up as soon as possible." Blinking hard in a fruitless attempt to shake the fatigue from her head, Emma made her way to her sister, who had already begun pointing things out to anyone who would listen. "You have your bearings already?" She asked, almost in disbelief. She knew her sister was talented, otherwise her request to join the mission would have been declined regardless of how much clout Emma herself had with the coordinators, but she knew there was no way anyone could have figured out their location with forest blocking their view in all directions. Ayla had already had the map ready, a mechanical finger gliding through the holographic interface that hovered above the surface of her tablet. "I watched was we made planet-fall. Picked up on a few landmarks that I recognized. From there, it was pretty easy to track where our pod was headed... Oh, don't look so surprised!" Emma was in awe. "You watched?! Sis, you have balls of steel. Matches your arm." Ayla rolled her eyes, cracking a smile as her sister nudged the arm in question playfully. "And before you ask, yes, I've been tracking the other pods..." The metallic finger passed through another portion of the holographic display, and red-orange tracks appeared over the map, indicating the approximate direction of the other emergency landing craft. She added another streak, as someone behind her pointed out yet another fireball in the sky. "Looks like we're furthest toward the coast for now, so we should eventually encounter the others as we move inland."