A jet black Adament S-Series pulls on to the grass just outside the south gate of the Palace, the car hides in the night shadows away from the main street and hidden from view of any guards. A tall fit figure exits the car and shuts the door quickly, making a noise loud enough for nearby walkers to hear. He stands firm wearing a solid black high collared leather jacket, his pants match the same tone as his jacket but made of denim, the man wore flat like tennis shoes, the whole outfit to hide him in the darkness. This was Nathan, a young hacker who worked hard at his goals and completed them to satisfactory means. He started walking towards the mansion, "The Palace, owned by a man named Danny Sosueme, an Internet Entrepreneur, makes millions every year, this man is currently under Federal Investigation, Defalt wants me to get his bank account before anything major happens and all that money is lost, this will be the biggest steal we've ever hit." He stayed low to the ground, making sure his shadow or himself wasn't seen, he wasn't much of the shoot-em-up or knock out type, just getting in and out without being noticed. Of course that didn't mean he wouldn't use everything to his disposal to distract the guards. He approached the wall and hacked into a camera just off the edge of the building, using it to make sure no guards were near by before climbing over the wall and crouching next to a bush. He hid in the shadows, letting a guard pass just in time, then taking off along the edge of the wall towards the main building. The bank info will most likely be in his office, getting there won't be easy but maybe hacking from a distance will be. He found a breaker panel along the wall and hacked into it, that led to one of the internal house cameras, not the breaker he wanted, he pulled out and tried another, he was starting to see the layout of the house now, but still no office camera. He heard a noise from around the corner and ducked down low trying to hack into a camera not far that would allow him view around the corner, but it seemed to be encrypted already, or currently being used. It only took him a manner of seconds before he was able to boot who ever was controlling it off and hacking in himself, "Damn bugs, always gotta be in my way," he didn't read the source signature, not caring so much since it was just a camera, and figured it was from the homes security anyways. He took control of the camera and no one spotted, he disconnected and went back to the breaker till he was able to find the office camera, he looked around seeing a shadow pass over the door, he waited a bit before hacking into the computer. There was something else there that was controlling it, but no one was at the desk, he thought maybe it was remote desktop and thought nothing of it, his hack displays nothing on the screen. It took a couple minutes but he was able to find the files he was looking for and downloaded them, disconnecting from the breaker panel and moving back towards the gate he previously hopped over. Before making his final escape he smirked and faced the hack, going to his phone and pushing a few applications before one of his top songs start blaring over every type of speaker around the house, be it the surround sound or the intercom, he hacked in and played his jams. He smirked and went back to the car and started the engine, he would call it a night before heading over to Defalt and giving him the information.