While I'm better at this sort of writing style... [hider=Short]Cheshire: "Here, have a fish, it'll make you feel better." *pulls the goldfish from the bowl and tosses it to Night* Night: *catches it, looks down at it's flopping body...tilts his back and drops it into his mouth* Cheshire: "Oh my, you actually--I think I'm going to be sick." Night: "Your odd choice of snack didn't aid me much to quell my nerves." *goes back to polishing his sword* Cheshire: "It was a jest, eating a fish raw is absolutely repulsive." Night: *stops and quirks an eyebrow at the cat before holding a hand out and spitting the goldfish out, he stands up and returns the goldfish to the bowl* Cheshire: "...?!" *goes and looks at the goldfish carefully, which now seems to be made of actual solid gold* "An odd trick of yours...I suppose this always happens?" Night: *realising that the goldfish came out of his mouth differently than when it went in, he stares down at the bowl for a long while before shrugging* "This may have something to do with my odd physiology, but I wouldn't count on it as the sole possibility." Cheshire: <(=w=)> <( . . . meow . . . ? ) Night: ( . . . )> =_=[/hider] I'll stick to one paragraph +.