Tommy sat at the his couch in his modest house, the headset for Gun Gale Online (GGO) held between his hands. Tommy only recently brought a new model for VRMO games because his co-worker suggested that maybe Tommy was working too hard and need find something to relax. His co-worker said that would allow him to relax in a game environment while keeping his skills sharp since the game is open world player versus player (PVP). The game was also highly realistic with many modern firearms present in the game in high detail. Tommy used an account he had used when previously before Tommy was a police officer and his workload went up. Going though the procedures to transfer his character, Tommy was surprised that his high level character in another game was only level 3 in GGO. Nevertheless, Tommy did not mind since he was gonna play GGO for some relaxation and not to be the very best. - Link Start - Tommy started the dive into the virtual world, a nostalgic sight to him when he was younger and it was simpler life. The tutorial was simple enough, though there were some mechanics to make the shooting of GGO fun, Tommy's real world training help him move swiftly though it.