[img= http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png] [b][u]???[/b][/u] A golden glow enveloped the gash on her arm, the pain numbing and the wound not disappearing completely but enough that she could ignore it now. Aria mumbled a quiet thanks to Amy, noting to treat the cleric to a drink the next time they had the chance. [i] “I’ll distract him, okay? Just run or something,”[/i] Before Aria would protest how there was no way she was leaving him to deal with Largo himself, he had emitted a large soundwave at the Dream Eater Largo, sending the large man’s form momentarily quivering back into the consistency of the oily black fluid. A streak of red landed beside her and she turned, gripped by a sudden sense of relief to see a determined and angry looking Estelle glaring at the false Largo in front of them, burning sword held firmly before her. She could see the rest of the guilders starting to make their way towards the clocktower platform, and she couldn’t help but smile, lifting a boot to squash the oozing face that had risen up again to whisper nonsense by her foot, before drawing out two more knives and launching them at the false Lion who had recovered from Lute’s distraction and was starting to lift his axe again. The blades sank into the man’s right wrist, causing black ooze to dribble out from the cut and causing his hold to weaken, grip slipping on the handle of the lion shaped axe whose blade thudded into the brick heavily. Trixie and Dylan had reached the tower now as well, and the others were quickly approaching. Largo’s wounds were already starting to heal, oily liquid coalescing at the gashes as he stooped down to heft up the axe. [i] "We are gonna whip this guy all the way back to Los Paraisos! You don't mess with the Pride!"[/i] Aria couldn’t help but smile, moving over to support Lute who’s attack had left him a bit wobbly. With everyone together- She was starting to see hope.