[B]The Library. A place for people to escape their regular, crappy lives and read about someone else's awesome life. And it's all for free (that is, if you don't bring your books back late).[/B] [hider=CS Skeleton]Appearance: Name: Age: (16+) Gender: Orientation: Relationship Status: Occupation: Favourite Books: Personality: Brief Bio: Other: [/hider] [b]Rules:[/b] [list] [*]Regular roleplay rules apply; no godmodding etc.[/*] [*]Keep everything PG-13, no cyber :brow [/*] [*]GMs word is final. I will try and give complete freedom but if there is any major decisions what I say goes.[/*] [*]Leave the phrase 'I love books' at the end of your CS if you read these rules.[/*] [*]All OOC arguments can be sorted between yourselves, if it interferes with the roleplay people will be kicked out.[/*] [*]Only join if you're really dedicated. If you have a lot going on and you might have to quit, please don't join. People leaving a roleplay can make it really difficult to carry on.[/*] [*]Have fun! If you don't enjoy it, what's the point?[/*] [/list] [B]Accepted Characters:[/B] [hider=4weekcoma][img=http://www.itusozluk.com/image/barbara-palvin_439952.jpg] [B]Name:[/b] Laura Edwards [B]Age:[/b] 21 [B]Gender:[/b] Girl [B]Orientation:[/b] Pansexual [B]Relationship Status:[/b] Single [B]Occupation:[/b] Librarian [B]Favourite Books:[/b] [i]Lolita[/I] by Vladimir Nabokov, [I]Trainspotting[/I] by Irvine Welsh, [I] Animal Farm[/I] by George Orwell. [B]Personality:[/b] Laura is sweet and kind. She likes animals and children and music and literature. She's funny, but not mean funny. She's charming, but not in a pompous, snobby way. Everyone she meets likes her, she's interesting. But she doubts herself; she's never been cool and she's clumsy, she's just kind of a dork. She doesn't trust or value her own opinions and constantly seeks approval. To everyone else she's great, but to herself she's not even near. [B]Brief Bio:[/b] Laura comes from a big family. She has five other siblings, two older sisters, two younger brothers and one younger sister. She used to look after her younger siblings and she thought that one day she might be a teacher. As she got older, she became more interested in literature, and wanted to be a successful author. She's still working on things, the library job is just until she gets published. [B]Other:[/b] She has a siamese kitten named Radish. [/hider]