Niltsiar Erejam: Race: Human Age: Over 1000+ Mana: 1250 Description: Thin wispy grey hair floats down to his shoulders framing a sickly face. Gold skin seems stretched like parchment over his bones. He has Sharp cheek bones and a pointed chin, his lips are thin but lush pink. Above all else his eyes attract the most attention of all, gold Iris with hour glass pupils that seem to peer into ones soul. Equipment: Niltsiar wears black robes with runes etched around the hems, and hood. Pitch black pouch on his right thigh carries numerous bones to help hasten the the summoning of his minions. Three book poucheshang from the back of his belt these are the three books of Fistan, with a single word (Folori) the three books leave there pouch to follow Niltsiar wherever he goes. Finally he has a staff, the staff of Magnus, which has a dragons claw clutching a pitch black stone on top of the staff, this is his most prized possession. Magical Abilities/Properties: Robe: His robe has many wards of protection cast upon it over the years that protects him against a wide variety of attacks including and not limited to, explosions, fire, projectile, melee, magical attacks, etc. the wards disappear the more times he is hit with offensive attacks, or until the users mana runs out. Staff: His staff can only be destroyed through true dragons fire, literally meaning a dragon has to breath fire down on the staff for a period of time. The staff has its own stockpile of spells that it can use with no mana costs but take time to charge up the spell. (1-2post charge) Niltsiar can also channel his magic through the staff to cast more spells at the cost of mana. The staff can levitate and follow Niltsiar while casting spells, while he uses his main hands to cast other spells. Staffs support spells: Float: Makes target float, weight limit is over 1000Ibs Shield: Shields a target after a two post charge, mainly magical and melee attacks. Gust: Creates a gale force wind similar to a hurricane of around 140Mph. Fog: Creats a thick fog masking everyone's presence, smell and sight. Silence: When cast it prevents spells being cast for a short duration. (Can be resisted.) Flash: Staffs crystal balls explodes into light blinding foes. Some of the spells can combo together like, Gust shield or Flash Gust. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Books of Fistan: Each spell in book 1 and 2 can be used three times, while book 3 can have each spell used twice. Book one: Has numerous offensive spells within them that the user can cast in one fight. Fireball: Summons a monstrous fireball from the book that has an explosion radius of 50ft. Dread Vortex: Summons a 100ft tall vortex of sharp bones that follows the target around for three posts. Necrotic pools: Summons a skull out of the book that spews acid from its maw to melt opponents, the spray ranges from 5 ft the mouth and lands with a spray of 30ft. Guillotine: Fifteen foot long guillotines from the sky trying to impale and or cut opponent in half. Chain Eater: Chains tipped with cackling skulls fire from the book and chase foes attempting to chain them up or latch onto there body with a poisonous bite. BOOK 2: Has numerous shields/buffs that can be used three times in a fight. Ribcage: Summons a titanic ribcage that protects the user against magical/projectile based attacks. Prisma shield: Deflects oncoming melee attacks. Dragonscale: Absorbs explosions/fire attacks. Arcane eye: Two post buff that increases magical damage and AoE (Fireball increases from 50ft AoE to 100Ft AoE)