Appearance: [img][/img] Name: Adam Oppenheimer Age: 23 Gender: male Orientation: straight Relationship Status:single Occupation: graduate student Favourite Books: Chaim Potok's The Choosen; J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit Personality: Adam is a relatively quiet man, though cheerful in disposition. He is more comfortable with his face in a book than with chatting up girls. Brief Bio: Adam is studying Jewish Studies at the local university. He was raised in a family of five children and is a middle child. His older sisters are both married with children and his youngest siblings are still in high school. He is close to his family and lives with them still, in a basement apartment. Adam's goal is to become a university professor. He teaches some undergraduate classes as a teaching assistant and loves this work. Despite being quiet in disposition, he has discovered that he does well in front of a group of people. He has a cat named Sheba and is a doting father. I Love Books.