[b]Tests[/b] The tests have begun on what seems to be another race that has their chosen planet stationed near a radiation zone near the center of the galaxy. Instead of sending a whole large fleet down there, however, advanced construction ships capable of setting up whole space bases including factories are sent, alongside one large command center station. They are specialized to use materials capable of shielding off the radiation, delivered through a route between the battle zone and the nearest Ceteral-controlled galaxy while mining centers are stationed near asteroid fields. The current battle scenario is of an RTS-like field, complete with construction units and buildings, but no tiers needed to "unlock" a certain structure. The base is remained hidden in full stealth until the army has been fully prepared to begin invasion. The Ceteral asks for a moment to wait before the real tests begin, any premature attacks are considered disqualification from the viability test and thus will be ignored for the next five years. Forces on the hyuu-maen worlds continue to make their way towards controlling vital points of the planet, but there are already quite some losses already. 15 out of 100 mechs are destroyed.