Goliath sat upon a rooftop watching everything that had went down. He didn't go train because he would have left Edelweiss if he did. He saw men in black approach the stage and take the girl that sang. He saw the two men light a stage a blaze and run. He noticed every detail of the mana ring that had appeared on an unknown fellow. Goliath began leaping from rooftop to rooftop to stay ahead of the people that had taken Elizabeth. When he saw them head into the church he smirked. "Finally, a reason to desecrate a holy place." He said as he saw other figures run into the church. He dropped down and entered the church. "Edelweiss..you can never get far from me. I saw the whole thing." Goliath held his spear casually. "Bringing weapons into a church. That's what priests and innocent bystanders like to see these days."