[I][CENTER]'It all started as a game. The robots were meant to be the perfect training exercise. My father, he was the most famous president who ever existed. He was the one who came up with the idea to create those robots, I was the one who created them. Everything was fine, the robots were a success but they had flaws. Then, I came up with the perfect update, the magic stone. The very one that I had as gift, it was meant to give them an unlimited source of energy as well as use of the magic. At first, the update went perfectly. The two cities, the city of magic and the city of technology were starting to get along. Everything was beginning to look up, but then, everything went wrong. The robots went rogue, they began to upgrade themselves then they attacked the alchemists and a war broke out, the alchemists wouldn't believe us when we said it was an accident, all I could do was watch, as the war raged on, and everyone died. All that was left was bits and pieces, only a few remained. Then, all of a sudden, I was back at the labs, just uploading the update, it couldn't be real, it can't be. It was impossible, or was it?'[/CENTER][/I] As you can tell, this is about a war between the Alchemists, Cyborgs, and the Robots. You can play as either fraction. The co-gm is PharaohAtem [B]Rules[/B] 1) No arguing, fighting or anything else in the OOC, feel free in IC, your characters can be as mean as you want. 2) You can have as many characters as you want. 3) Be on and often often. 4) At least one paragraph is wanted 5) If you are inactive for 3 days your I will post for your characters to keep you up to date and continue the story. If you are inactive for 5 days we will take full control over your characters and unless you can give a good reason for being inactive for that long you shall not regain control. 6) Pictures are a must! 7) I can and most probably edit the rules, make sure you check them when I update. 8) Powers are based on your character. If you are tech, then you have tech powers. If you are an alchemist, then you have magic powers. If you are a robot you can have both. [B]Cs[/B] Name: Age: Species: Fraction: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Weapons:(Cyborg) Magics:(Mages) [B]Optional[/B] Ability: Special Item: Pet Name: Pet Species: Pet Appearance: Pet Personality: Pet Bio: Pet Power 1: