Lin Wei adjusted her hat. Now was the time that, well... she didn't feel quite as confident, to tell the truth. She wasn't nervous or anything though! Just, well... singing and dancing helped her be more confident. And at the moment she was really just going for a bit of a walk, so she mostly just hoped no-one... surprised her or anything. Yeah, that was all. The girl lacked the stiffness of her fellow jiangshi, even her sister. She moved around far too much to be so stiff, really. It came with being an idol. But right now, she was just on a walk. She paused, for a moment. This wasn't where she had been intending on going... that bar definitely wasn't her destination. She frowned. Even after living here for a while, the jiangshi idol only knew her way around Yomi very well... anywhere else she usually was being driven or had an escort. This time she just went a little further out of her usual comfort zone and ended up... some... where. Er... Maybe she should ask for directions. Lin Wei headed up to the bar and opened the door. "Um... hello?" she asked, "I'm... I think I took a wrong turn somewhere, does anyone have directions back to Yomi?" She rubbed the back of her head awkwardly as she spoke.