One of the characters I was planning on using for this is partially wheelchair bound, too. O.o Hope no one minds, that's not something that usually comes up twice in the same RP. Name: Brigham (Bree) Faulkner Age: 16 Looks: Grey eyes and short, trimmed dark brown hair with these odd little streaks of black on his temples that look sort of like big poofy eyebrows but are somehow part of his hair. He's pretty small and scrawny for his age because of being poor and also sick for most of his childhood. Is often confined to a wheelchair but can walk with a cane for short distances, and he's getting better at this as he matures. Special Attributes/powers (if applicable): Shapeshifts into one of [url=]these[/url] and spends a lot of time like that because it's a state where he's free from paralysis. Reason for being at the orphanage: A battle with Polio as a child left him weak and unable to walk without much effort. His father left when he was about 4 years old and though his mother struggled for years to take care of him and his sister, she eventually took her own life. His only caretaker at this point is his fraternal twin sister Isadora, who is increasingly distracted by her own affairs. Name: Isadora Faulkner Age: 16 Looks: A tall, strong young girl with her almost-grey hair in a long ponytail. Appropriate to her name, her skintone and facial features reflect more of her Latin American heritage then her brothers' does. Despite being the same age and being twins, she stands about 5'9" and completely dwarfs Bree in frame and stature, a trait she inherited from her father. Special Attributes/powers (if applicable): Shapeshifts into [url=]this.[/url] Reason for being at the orphanage: Same as her brother, without the sickness though.