[B][U]Naneko and Kuroi Sora go to work[/U][/B] Naneko says farewell to the gloomy new mail carrier then returns to her work. "The Sleeping Kitten" requires all of her attention to get ready for her days custom for she is it's only employee. She washes all the bluish white sake cups and cold rinses the bamboo tankards for beer before setting them out in neat rows beside the serving table. Afterward she samples the days supply of sake to assure it's quality before she serves it to any of her customers. This is her morning ritual six days a week and will be most likely till she hires some help or turns into the man eating monster she seems doomed to become. Kuroi Sora her companion does her part to help by keeping up a running conversation about what she and the other felines of the village have observed in the past few days. The small ebony female is a serial gossip loving to tell all that she sees and hears to friend in the hopes of distracting her from her worries.