"If these ghosts are people covered in flour I'm going to be ticked" she said, Dennis of all people knew how annoying she could get when she was ticked off, he'd had to deal with her on more than one occasion when she was like that. She watched and looked over his shoulder to the rats grimacing a little "Rats, of all things why rats?" she groaned "and why so many here, there's a herd, group, flockā€¦ of them" she said to him and thought for a moment humming gently to herself and in his ears as she looked over his shoulder still at the rats. "Now lets try and find out where that other sound was coming from yes?" she asked him and began to wonder around avoiding any areas with rats if she could help it. She found another trap door and opened it only to find more rats making her back up and drop the door shut causing a huge bang. "I found their nest thats for sure" she said disgusted and muttered a little to herself some words before she looking to Dennis"You're opening any more trap doors ok?" she smiled sweetly and sure enough she called him over to investigate any other trap doors in one they found several different Hamlet costumes making her think "Ok so there are three naked men somewhere?" she questioned. "Dennis, feel ike going to a play tomorrow?" she asked