[centre]Name: Nerom DeGrasse Age: 257 (Has the appearance of a 37 year old Human) Appearance: [img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/025/2/b/drow_by_cg_warrior-d6mw4hk.jpg] Credit to:CG-Warrior on DeviantArt Race: Dark Elf Allegiance: Supporter of the Immortal Nine Class: Assassin Profession: Assassin Personality: ~Merciless//Immoral~ Nerom's line of work requires him to show no mercy to his enemies and such, have no morals, meaning he'll have no qualms about slitting somebody's throat should the need arise. Therefore, he's certainly not one you want as an enemy. ~Quiet//Observant~ Nerom has never been one for getting involved in huge debates. He prefers to sit back and let others squabble, observing their actions and thoughts and deciding his input accordingly. When meeting someone new, he may come over as cold and unloving, but this is due to him observing your character and checking you're the right kind of person he wants to get to know. ~Logical//Intelligent~ Nerom is not dim, though there may be times he comes across as such. However, you'd be wrong to assume that, and he'll waste no time in pointing that out to you. When it comes to strategy, Nerom can sometimes be a useful ally to have. ~Secretive~ Due to his profession, Nerom has a need to be secretive and withhold a lot of information from people, even his friends and family. He doesn't claim to be the best at hiding things from other people, but he is skilled at it. His facial expression is terribly hard to read a lot of the time, giving away nothing of his true thoughts. Biography: Nerom was born deep in the city of Kathar, his birth taking place in the hidden hideout of the Assassin's Guild. His mother sadly passed away during childbirth, and his father was unknown to all the members of the Guild. They suspected she had perhaps started a romantic affair with one of her targets, but in the end had to fulfil her contract and kill him, but not before they had conceived a child. Given his situation, the Guild members took it upon themselves to raise Nerom, and treat him like one of their own. As he grew up, Nerom was placed under the care of Ghalin, a wisened old man that would, in time, teach the young elf everything he would need to know about becoming an assassin. His training began as soon as he was old enough to start, and Ghalin wasted no time in teaching him all he could. Nerom spent the next few years learning the arts of sneaking, pickpocketing, lockpicking...and murder. It appeared as if he had a natural talent in each of these arts, and Ghalin theorised these gifts were passed from his mother, and perhaps even his father, given that nobody knew who he was or what he did. As time went on, Nerom continued his training, one day reaching the level that Ghalin himself used to work out back in his day. But alas, time got the better of the elf's master, and death took him as his own. Nerom felt alone in the world, despite having many friends within the Guild. In the time they had together, Ghalin had become the closest thing Nerom had to a father, and the devastation of his loss ripped through him like a lion ripping into its prey. For days after his death, Nerom moped around the Guild like a lost child, unsure what to do now his master had passed on. But unfortunately for him, the Guild's work was never finished, and he was forced out of his grief and back to work in no time. More and more time passed, and Nerom, being an elf and outliving the human friends he made, watched as the Guild grew both in reputation and in size as word of their network got out. He saw old members pass away and new members join several times over, often paying his respects from the dead and heeding warnings of morbidity to the younger newcomers. He never once stopped training though, continuing the work of Ghalin with other Guild members, often being commended on the work he carried out after returning from a contract. Nerom's work continued to get better, and soon he worked his way into the ranks of the more highly respected Assassins of the Guild. On the day of the Empresses' Parade, a group of them were contracted by the City Guard to keep an eye on the proceedings when the Empress paraded through the city. Nerom was among the few asked to go, and he was honoured to be given the task. Protecting the Empress, that had to be one of the most honourable jobs to have. How could he refuse? It was agreed the Assassin's would work in shifts, starting from when the Empress began her Parade to when she finished, then they would be dismissed and the City Guard would take over from them for the night. Nerom was asked to work in the morning, the time at which she was most vulnerable, as the crowd was at its largest. His shift was relatively quiet. He hopped from rooftop to rooftop, keeping a watchful eye on both the Empress and the crowds, but nothing of interest came to pass, and he was soon relieved from his duty. In the afternoon, he joined in the celebrations of the parade but soon got bored and headed to The Rat's Tail, the most popular Inn in the city. There, he drank away the rest of the afternoon and well into the evening, where he found his curiosity piqued by an old man sitting at a table with an ever increasing crowd gathering around him. And so, Nerom stood up from his place at the bar and sauntered over, taking a seat amongst the crowd, and listening to his story. Weapon of Choice: Nerom favours his dagger (pictured), and uses it in almost every aspect of his profession. He prefers the up-close-and-personal feeling it gives him when he tends to his targets, often taking delight in watching their eyes betray them and their inner thoughts. Occasionally, he may be seen using a crossbow to take down enemies from afar, and on even rare occasions be seen with a sword in his hand, but it is his dagger that is his true combat companion. Powers & Abilities: ~Pickpocket & Lockpicking Extraordinaire~ If ever you were to need a lockpicking, or an item retrieved from somebody who keeps it on their person at all times, Nerom's your man..or rather, elf, for the job. He is well known for his light fingers and ability to bypass almost any lock he comes across. ~Magic~ Being an Elf, Nerom has an affinity for magic, and sometimes uses it to aid him during his contracts. Often, he will use it to make his footsteps quieter, or perhaps blur the senses of guards surrounding a building he needs to get into, making it easier to sneak by. He rarely uses it to wound people, and will sometimes use it to heal himself or others if the situation calls for it. He is unable to use magic for long periods of time however, and is often fatigued if he uses it for longer than he should. Relationships: Rwantu DeGrasse - Mother -Deceased- Ghalin - Former Master -Deceased- Assassin's Guild Members -Acquaintances- Other: Nothing at this time.[/centre]