[I]Congratulations, you have been chosen to join the Academy for the Unique, welcome to, Final Academy! Our name may be strange, but it has a meaning, like most things. We have a long history which is explained in the following booklet which is attached to this letter. Arkanite Secretan, the master of the academy shall greet you. Our job is to train you for the war, what you decide to do afterwards is up to you. You are to meet all the students in the main hall of the academy at exactly 13.00 hours. We hope to see you there.[/I] [B]History of Final Academy[/B] Final Academy has a long history, Arkanite founded the Academy in 1990, he created it because he saw that nobody was accepting the unique, nobody was accepting the 'special ones' At first, everything went well, until something stirred inside the old abandoned building just outside of campus. Arkanite found the building to be haunted, monsters, demons and many other supernatural creatures lived there, though Arkanite destroyed them all, and sealed the building in the year of 2007. The sealed building stands today outside of the camp, though all the evil is destroyed. We assure you, it is very safe. Now, the war is raging on, and the academy is as popular as ever. We will train you for this war, no matter what your intentions are, it's our job to teach you how to use your powers. [B]Academy Rules[/B] 1 Never, under no circumstances, must you go near the abandoned building! If you are caught outside campus and near the building, you shall be sent off the island immediately without warning! There may be a war, but, the Academy rules still stands! 2 You must be at class on time, if not you will get a warning, three warnings until you are punished, though you shall not be taken off the island. If it carries on, then you will be excluded. 3 Do not use your powers outside of the training room, and do not fight other students unless a staff member is supervising. 4 No vandalism! 5 Arkanite is the master, what he says goes at all times! That is all for now, we hope you enjoy your stay. [B]Game Rules[/B] 1 You can go to the Abandoned Building, as I know some of my characters will be heading there at some point. 2 No character limit. 3 No arguing, fighting or anything else in the OOC, feel free in IC, your characters can be as mean as you want. 4 At least a paragraph, please. 5 Three powers maximum, the more you have, the harder it is to control them. Teachers has four powers. 6 If you are inactive for 3 days I will post for your characters to keep you up to date and continue the story. If you are inactive for 5 days we will take full control over your characters and unless you can give a good reason for being inactive for that long you shall not regain control. 7 If you are a teacher you can be as old as you want depending on your race, but if you are a student then you must be 19 maximum, you can be as young as you want. 8 Pictures are a must! 9 Ability is something you have learned to do, that is too weak to be a power, for example, talking to animals would be a an ability, but, controlling animals would be a power. 10 I can and most probably will edit the rules, make sure you check them when I update. [B]Student Cs[/B] Name: Species: Age: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Power 1: Power 2: Power 3: [B]Optional[/B] Ability: Special Item: Pet Name: Pet Species: Pet Power 1: Pet Power 2: [B]Teacher Cs[/B] Name: Species: Age: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Power 1: Power 2: Power 3: Power 4: [B]Optional[/B] Ability: Special Item: Pet Name: Pet Species: Pet Power 1: Pet Power 2: Pet Power 3: [HIDER=Schematics][IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/2gxgvpg.jpg[/IMG][/HIDER] [HIDER=Campus Layout][IMG]http://i45.tinypic.com/ogylbm.jpg[/IMG][/HIDER] [HIDER=Main building][IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/bimli9.jpg[/IMG][/HIDER] [HIDER=Level 1]Staff Room Storage Room X 3 Training Room This is a room for training your powers, do not use your powers outside of this room! English History Grand Hall This is where all students shall meet at 13.00 hours, do not be late. Lockers Elevator [/HIDER] [HIDER=Level 2]Dorms, left hand side is for males, right hand side is for females. Storage Room X 3 Math Training Class Socialize Class This class will give everyone a chance to learn about each other. Elevator Lockers[/HIDER] [HIDER=Level 3]Dorms, left hand side is for males, right hand side is for females. Storage room X3 Lockers Elevator[/HIDER] [HIDER=Level 4]Arkanite Secretan's private quarters. Dorms, left hand side is for males, right hand side is for females. Lockers Elevator[/HIDER] [B]Time Table[/B] Assembly: 9:00 AM Socialize Class: 9.30 AM Training Class: 11.00 AM Lunch: 13.00 History: 15.00 English: 17.00 Math: 19.00 Bed: 21.00 No class for the first week. So, what do you think? Any ideas to improve this idea? We won't focus on the classes too much, don't worry. We will get time to interact with each other and such. The main classes which we will do are Socialize Class and Training Class. The rest will be general classes about species, history of the school and such. Now, do you all want to have clubs as well?