[hider=Nera Thyne CS] Name: Nera Thyne Gender: Female Age: 27 Appearance: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/D0keK0V.jpg?1[/IMG] Hunter Type: Herb Hunter (Hunter that specializes in discovering rare plants and finding uses for them in cooking, medicine, perfume, etc…) Nen Type: Transmutation Nen abilities: Fundamentally, Nera’s ability is to mimics the properties of water with her nen. Using ten or ken, she can safely ‘shroud’ herself in her unique aura with any of the properties from her abilities below. As a transmuter she is not very proficient in emission of her nen, therefore most of her abilities are utilized in close-quarters but they can be used from afar (although her abilities become 1/5 of their usual potency). [i]Water Cauldron[/i] – Her nen reaches extremely high temperatures capable of burning matter on contact, or dissolving them if Nera keeps the heat under control (water-soluble substances like salt or sugar would dissolve instantly, but normally non-soluble items would take a MINIMUM of 30 minutes to dissolve in her nen). Note that ‘dissolving’ is not the same as making things ‘disintegrate’. If she dissolves a poisonous substance into her nen in this state, her nen obtains the same effect and level of toxicity as the substance dissolved inside. ADDED: Temperatures can reach the same amount as most bunsen burners. It takes time to reach very high temperatures, so Nera generally only goes up to about 212 degrees F or 100 degress C in combat (reaching this temperature is quite easy). [i]Pet Bubble[/i] – Her nen takes on the shape of bubbles (empty nen spheres), which can range from one gigantic bubble the size of an elevator to many smaller bubbles the size of coins. The smaller the bubbles are, the harder they get until they reach the same hardness as a block of ice. The larger the bubbles are, they become so ‘soft’ that the slightest touch will break it, although objects with the same nen (Nera’s nen) may be able to pass through in or out of the bubble. Popping a bubble will make Nera’s nen burst in all directions. Medium-sized bubbles between the two extremes will be a bouncy and require some force to break. Remember that nen in itself can cause physical damage, so popping a particularly large bubble by touching it is not recommended. Small bubbles can be formed almost instantly, but large bubbles will need time to inflate. [i]Universal Solvent[/i] – Nera can use her nen to weaken and ‘wash away’ impurities such as dirt, germs, stains, or even nen (making it a weak exorcism ability). She must make direct contact with her nen for this ability, meaning any nen [i]inside[/i] of a person’s body cannot be removed, and nen abilities left from self-inflicted contracts & limitations or the dead are beyond her abilities. Feels nice and cool to the touch. Personality: Very true to her emotions, Nera laughs when she’s having fun and throws a fit when she gets angry. Sometimes people mistake this as her being a very straight-forward and honest person but… Don’t be fooled. She loves playing games with people and this can range from something literal like a game of cards, teasing people for the laughs, to causing major trouble for them just to see how they would react. The only real predictable nature about her is her love for exciting and interesting things. Her own safety is secondary when she has the opportunity to jump into the midst of action and get to play a role in it. History: Both of Nera’s parents were highly respected surgeons that earned enough for their family to be considered very financially well-off. She has an older brother that has followed in their steps to join them in the field of medicine. However, Nera chose to pursue a life as a Hunter instead. There was one major reason why she did not follow the family trade: her grades were just not good enough to get her into medical school. But even from the very beginning there was something different about Nera. Unlike the rest of her family, she loved exploring into the unknown (often getting lost in the process) and enjoyed keeping herself active instead of devoting herself to a desk to study. Her interest in nen and becoming a Hunter all began with a strange argument at the hospital. Around the age of 14, she was visiting her parents at the hospital when she heard her father arguing with one of the patients. It was a man that had been recently admitted after a drunken brawl on the streets. With several of his bones fractured and recovering from surgery, his expected discharge seemed so far off that the doctors hadn’t even thought to consider when it would be but the man claimed to be completely fine after a night’s rest and was demanding to be released from the hospital. In the end it was proven that the man’s injuries were indeed healed and he left the hospital after much argument and testing of his physical health. The man quickly realized that he had one extra accompaniment following closely at his heels: Nera. She wanted to know how he healed so quickly and wanted to know if she could get a superhuman body like that too. At first the man tried to dismiss her and send her off on her way, ignoring her and continuing on his way as he expected her to grow bored and leave. But it became increasingly clear that Nera had no intentions of giving up. In fact, she followed this stranger all to the way to his home and told him that at this rate it would seem like he got into an argument with one of the doctors at the hospital and kidnapped his daughter as revenge for all the trouble. He gave her a bunch of fake methods to get a fast-regenerating body hoping it would make her go away, but she returned several weeks afterwards to complain that his methods had not worked. This sort of exchange occurred several times between them. Tired of it all and worried that at this rate she was going to try something stupid on her own, he ended up becoming her teacher and slowly taught her the ways of nen over a period of 8 months. After that, she began to practice nen on her own. To her dismay, she was not an enhancer type and could not easily gain the same sort of regeneration ability as her teacher but she learned to think about her own category and use a nen ability more suited to herself. Soon Nera wanted to test her capabilities, but by then she had lost all contact with her teacher and didn’t know how she would know how far along she was now. Then she remembered that her teacher was an amateur Hunter (he knew nen and took on Hunter-like jobs but did not have a license). Deciding that obtaining the license her teacher would be sufficient enough to assume she had surpassed her teacher, she applied for her first hunter exam at the age of 16. It took her 2 more tries and finally obtained her license at 18 years of age (nen aside, her physical capabilities and combat experience had not been up to par). As a professional Hunter, she ended up finding her passion with rare plants. She loved discovering them, finding out what sort of properties they had, and experimenting their various uses. Though she spends quite a bit of her time travelling to find these plants, she also owns a small shop to sell rare herbs and her own concoctions made from them. By coincidence rumors about her being a witch began to be passed around among her neighbours, and Nera embraced this label with pure enjoyment. She began dressing up like a witch, got a pet cat (with black fur of course), and even began to decorate her workshop appropriately. While to the general public she seems like a strange deviant with oddly effective home remedies and other goods, people of the same profession know she is also a Hunter with plenty of rare goods and skills to offer in service for those that know about and desire them.[/hider]