Dennis rolled his eyes at his partner's crude humor. "Let's just hurry this up so I can get some sleep," he muttered in reply. Walking deeper into the confines of the theater, the banging from before seemed to get louder, almost intensifying. Following the source, and making sure to step over any and all of the rats, Dennis led the way through a long hallway with several doors on each side. Great. This was turning out to be more and more like a haunted house by the second. Even still, they had a job to do. Otherwise, no paycheck! With this in mind, Dennis pinpointed the exact room where the banging was coming from. This time it was coupled by muffled screams and when the assistant opened the door gingerly ready to shoot what was on the other side, he nearly tripped over a struggling form. It was a young woman in a red dress, her limbs tied tightly and her mouth gagged with a cloth. She had been pounding on the door for some time now, waiting to be released. Dennis raised an eyebrow to take a closer look. Wait a minute, wasn't she...? "Don't tell me you're the manager," he said. Indeed, the bound woman looked exactly like the one they saw in the poster. At his statement, the woman shook her head vigorously, muffling out words of confirmation. So she was the manager then. Sighing, Dennis motioned for Roseia to untie the woman as he kept watch at the door...only to tense immediately. "Um, hey Roseia? What the hell is that?" Down the hallway, almost hidden by the darkness, was a tale and pale....thing. It had milky white eyes, deathly pale skin, and black hair that drooped limply off its form. Was it a woman? Or some demon? Didn't matter. Because as Dennis raised his gun at the thing, it have him a crooked smile with a mouth that had no teeth.